| View Thread | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | New York, NY (Feb. 29, 2000)
Karaoke night at the Beacon
Posted By: Tony
Date: Wednesday, Mar. 1 2000, at 5:35 a.m.So I tried to take notes so I could be accurate, but looking at them
now, I realize I don't write well when excited, in the dark, while being jostled, while trying to watch the show. But here they are nonetheless - someone else can fill in other details. And oh yes, there was a new encore!!"Welcome to karaoke night" he said much more too. I believe he
introduced the band with the names of the New York Dolls.
1. Your Gonna Need Someone on Your Side
2. Alma Matters
3. Swallow
"You know, I used to be a drummer in the Smiths. We played here in this very theater 16 years ago. This was not one of the songs we played."
4. Is It Really So Strange
He then went into this long story of their US debut in 1984 when he came on stage without his contact lenses and walked right off the end of the stage. It was quite funny, but I know I'm not doing it justice.
5. Hairdresser on Fire
To Julia: "How many shows have you been to?"
Julia: "Red Bank was 150."
Morrissey: "Even I haven't been to 150!"
6. Lost
He threw off his white button down and changed into the West Ham shirt.
"I changed my mind, can I have my shirt back? Do you know what Tesco
is? Did you lose anything behind Tesco? Why is that funny?"
7. Hated for Loving
Someone yelled "clean your room" and asked for Used to be a Sweet Boy.
Morrissey asked what it meant. He later figured it out, but I didn't catch what he said.
8. Ouija Board
9. Now My Heart Is Full (not accoustic, but just with Boz at first)
"Now I'd like to do what really tedious bands in the 70s did and
introduce the band." I didn't quite get what he said about Boz. "The
one and only and never lonely Gary Day. On drums the man about who has often been said...Spike T. Smith. Right here, the lovely Alain Whyte."
Alain: "And ladies and gentlemen, Morrissey!"
10. November
"Thank you, you're very generous. Boz is angry. Boz is angry." I
don't know what that was about. Boz didn't look too angry.
Someone in the crowd said "Happy leap year" into the mic. Morrissey replied with "I'm leaving."
11. Boxers
"Now, you probably know this night has been sponsored by MTV. No. That was a joke. Not very funny, but still a joke."
12. The More You Ignore Me
"Thank you." Crowd cheers. "You really don't need to cheer me thanking you. You're really cheering yourself. Which is OK. This next song is extremely complicated."
13. I Can Have Both
"This next song is about someone who isn't really a full person. Who
could that be, I have no idea."
14. Half a Person
The first stage invader made it on stage during this song. There was a long cheer after the song. "Julia, explain it."
15. Tomorrow
Two more people made it on stage. He threw his shirt and changed to the English Martyrs
"I'm really not one for pamphletteering, pamphletteering,
pamphletteering, pamphlet hearing. This is for those of you who think
you have the godlike power to take another life.
16. Meat is Murder
The drums slowed like a dying heartbeat and Th'Lads left the stage.He came out for the encore in his NY Dolls sparkle shirt. "I did warn
you this is karaoke night. Let's see how many mistakes you count in
this next song." At which point I was out the door to catch him on his way out, but I believe they played a David Bowie song. Again, I leave it to someone else to set me straight. I did catch Moz on the way out. I snapped a picture of him as he was swept by the four of us at the door into the awaiting car. We hung around and the band came out a few minutes later, shook their hands, said hi, then The Rock took charge and hustled the boys into the awaiting van.Seated shows and general admission shows have such different energy. It is nice to have a seated show every now and then to be able to actually watch and enjoy the show. But give me the railing at a general admission show any day.
Messages in This Thread
- Karaoke night at the Beacon (views: 1543)
Tony -- Wednesday, Mar. 1 2000, at 5:35 a.m.
- Re: Karaoke night at the Beacon (views: 948)
Lifeguard Sleeping -- Wednesday, Mar. 1 2000, at 6:56 a.m.
- Re: Karaoke night at the Beacon (views: 975)
Peepholism -- Wednesday, Mar. 1 2000, at 9:54 a.m.
- Re: Karaoke night at the Beacon (views: 938)
Mike -- Wednesday, Mar. 1 2000, at 2:39 p.m.
- Re: Karaoke night at the Beacon (views: 927)
allison -- Wednesday, Mar. 1 2000, at 4:57 p.m.
- Dworkin References (views: 891)
Nick Seriously -- Wednesday, Mar. 1 2000, at 10:00 p.m.
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