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New York, NY (Feb. 25, 2000)

That band has got to go!

Posted By: Raffi <[email protected]>
Date: Saturday, Feb. 26 2000, at 11:52 p.m.

And no, I don't mean that awful band that openned. Morrissey's backing band are terrible! I know that he has had them for a few years, but they not longer sound dead-on like they used to back in the Your Arsenal/Vauxhall tour days. It is pseudo-glam rock boys: it swoons, it glides, it is moody and shifty; you don't just get up there and blast them out. I know a lot of people are going to disagree, but I really think Morrissey should consider a line-up change (and I know quite a few music critics who agree).

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