| View Thread | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | New York, NY (Feb. 25, 2000)
MorrisseyChatter, etc.
Posted By: Lifeguard Sleeping
Date: Saturday, Feb. 26 2000, at 3:26 p.m.Well, the crowd was (from where I was standing:about 10 feet from the stage) VERY aggressive and bullyish - moreso than Boston. Half the time I couldn't even keep my balance, but managed to stay on my feet simply because there was no room to fall! But anyway...
The show was WONDERFUL, as expected. Everyone else pretty much explained it, though, so I thought I'd fill you in on some of Morrissey's patter:
At one point, he said, "this is the question/answer part of the evening. Any questions?" He placed the mic in front of a fan. The fan asked him how he's enjoying his stay in NY (Morrissey mistook it for "America," but I don't think he ever answered the question). He asked him, "where are you from?" The fan said, "Hoboken!" Morrissey quipped, "I'd keep that very quiet, if I were you."
To another fan (with a blonde bird's nest of hair), he asked, "why did you grow your hair out?" (Did he know this guy?). He replied, "I was going for that David Johannsen look..." and Morrissey remarked, "well, you're going to have to lose the spectacles, then."
During "Now My Heart Is Full," I could've SWORN he said, "Howdy Doody race to wait." Anyone?? It sure wasn't "Patrick."
He took a dig at MTV again: "You might know this next song from MTV or VH-1."
Well, that's all I remember now. I'll update after the ginko biloba kicks in! ;)
Messages in This Thread
- MorrisseyChatter, etc. (views: 1592)
Lifeguard Sleeping -- Saturday, Feb. 26 2000, at 3:26 p.m.
- Re: MorrisseyChatter, etc. (views: 930)
Nick Seriously -- Saturday, Feb. 26 2000, at 7:08 p.m.
- Re: MorrisseyChatter, etc. (views: 850)
ReadyWit -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 6:47 a.m.
- Re: MorrisseyChatter, etc. (views: 858)
Nick Seriously -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 7:20 a.m.
- Re: MorrisseyChatter, etc. (views: 829)
Nick Seriously -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 7:46 a.m.
- Re: MorrisseyChatter, etc. (views: 903)
Charming Girl Afraid -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 12:09 a.m.
- Re: MorrisseyChatter, etc. (views: 867)
Rich -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 6:39 p.m.
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