| View Thread | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | New York, NY (Feb. 25, 2000)
Excellent Show
Posted By: Nick Seriously
Date: Saturday, Feb. 26 2000, at 3:06 p.m.Excellent show. Morrissey was near perfect and the crowd was pleasantly out of control . . . I had to take two showers afterwards.
I've been to 13-14 Morrissey shows . . . I would rate it on my top four (along with MSG Kill Uncle show, Limelight Your Arsenal show and Philly Maladjusted show).
Although the same set list, the Count Basie show plodded along . . . once again, the difference between a GA site and a seated venue. Also, Morrissey, the sound, the band, the crowd . . . everyone was up full-time for this one. This show was not for the bashful.
I'll probably have more . . . when the soreness subsides. But these middling reviews . . . are ridiculous. Moz fans . . . you don't get it . . . relish it . . . it won't last forever . . . you won't get any better a show with U2, Springsteen, REM, Pearl Jam, Stones, Madonna and all of the quasi-wannabe talented acts out there today.
If you want to sit back with a drink, go to a seated show . . . or, better, go see a comedy act.
Middling, indifferent, condescending, barely well-written reviews . . . focusing on everything inane and viewing life as a glass half empty, rather than half full . . . from 24 year olds . . . annoying at best . . . I guess the talent pool at music rags and record labels has to be replenished somehow. November Spawned is certainly about a cripple (statement of the obvious) . . . but the power of the subject matter, words and the music is meant to inspire, not to cause you to become a feigned wallflower.
Messages in This Thread
- Excellent Show (views: 1657)
Nick Seriously -- Saturday, Feb. 26 2000, at 3:06 p.m.
- Re: Excellent Show (views: 943)
Marc -- Saturday, Feb. 26 2000, at 4:04 p.m.
- Re: Excellent Show (views: 959)
Marc -- Saturday, Feb. 26 2000, at 4:05 p.m.
- Re: Excellent Show (views: 868)
Hellworthy -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 1:05 a.m.
- Re: Excellent Show (views: 866)
Nick Seriously -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 7:28 a.m.
- Excellent show--just keep your mouth shut. (views: 900)
Hellworthy -- Sunday, Feb. 27 2000, at 10:47 a.m.
- Never (views: 841)
Nick Seriously -- Monday, Feb. 28 2000, at 4:56 a.m.
- Never...well, sometimes. (views: 844)
Hellworthy -- Monday, Feb. 28 2000, at 6:41 a.m.
- Re: Never...well, sometimes. (views: 820)
Nick Seriously -- Monday, Feb. 28 2000, at 10:55 p.m.
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