| View Thread | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | Minneapolis, MN (Feb. 8, 2000)
Moz @ The Quest
Posted By: sputnik <[email protected]>
Date: Sunday, Feb. 13 2000, at 6:03 p.m.I'd been excited for about two weeks, and on the night of the gig I was even worse. It got off to a bad start, though, having to wait outside for about an hour in the cold, then as the doors opened we were told to go to another door for our will-call tickets. I think the fact that we had to endure rancid, brain-numbing chatter from the three banshees behind us, whose repartee consisted of gems like, "I am SO there, dude", would have been enough to merit us a place right at the front, but no. We had to walk all the way to the door behind us to stand in another line for our will calls. Anyway, as it turned out we had enviable positions, in front of a piller on the upper deck about twenty feet from the "coffee table" stage. The opening act was inoffensive, but hardly inspiring. This was probably a highlight of their careers. Some fetching asian chick to my right was jumping up and down a lot when Morrissey came on stage. I don't blame her: I felt like doing it too, but was constricted by a chair on one side, and the pipe behind me. However, I suspect Roy Wilkins would have been a very poor venue, and I was happy to have it changed to The Quest. Morrissey seemed a little older (naturally) and gone is the Moz-quiff. He doesn't resemble much the gangling, affected youth I grew up with in Scotland all those years ago, but he remains a swelteringly obvious presence to me in spirit, and to see him that close, to be in the same room as him again after so many years, made me feel like someone who had made a pilgramage to see Christ, though Morrissey is much more famous. The songs: Alma Matters was done beautifully, Last Night was a dream to hear. November, very well done. Although Morrissey's banter is probably on autopilot by now, it was nice to hear him talking anyway. He got annoyed at the neanderthalic bouncers carting off the bloke with the quiff and flowers for trying to rush the stage, as well he should have; leave him alone, he was only singing, leave him alone . . .
But I've bored you all, so now time to go. Did I enjoy it? Yes. And having seen him again this year, my heart is full until the next time.
Messages in This Thread
- Moz @ The Quest (views: 912)
sputnik -- Sunday, Feb. 13 2000, at 6:03 p.m.
- Re: Moz @ The Quest (views: 710)
Scott -- Sunday, Feb. 13 2000, at 11:21 p.m.
- Re: Moz @ The Quest (views: 690)
sputnik -- Wednesday, Feb. 16 2000, at 12:50 a.m.
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