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Hamilton, ON (Feb. 16, 2000)

Re: Remember 1992 Maple Leaf Gardens

Posted By: James <[email protected]>
Date: Thursday, Feb. 10 2000, at 4:09 p.m.

In Response To: Remember 1992 Maple Leaf Gardens (Your Friend)

> I wonder if it will be the same........Maple Leaf Gardens was
> filled with flowers!

I was in the 'reds' (second section of seats in the stands) in '92
and one of my favourite memories of that show was when the lights came up and the band ripped into the first song, (You're gonna need... wasn't it?) EVERYONE on the floor (about 800 people) moved like a huge wave and pushed right up to the stage. It was the scariest and coolest thing I've seen at a Morrissey show. (other than at the end of the show when the band trashed the stage.!!!)

Anyway, the only way it will be the same in Hamilton is if we rip our seats from the floor and make the show instantly 'general admission'.
I don't think there will be too many flowers (I hope I'm wrong!)

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