| View Thread | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | Hamilton, ON (Feb. 16, 2000)
Re: Song list
Posted By: rat
Date: Thursday, Feb. 17 2000, at 6:26 a.m.In Response To: Song list (Supa-Sta!)
i dont' think he played "tomorrow". am i wrong?
anyway it was an amazing show. who cares if people were sitting at the back... the ones who wanted to be at the front were at the front. the rush was perfectly executed the second he walked onto stage. i've never jumped over that many seats... bunches of people made it onto stage...except for the huge t-shirt pull that took place after the moz threw his first t-shirt into the audience (resulting in around 5-10 people playing tug-of-war for around 5 minutes [moz saw and rolled his eyes][in the end they ripped the shirt up into pieces so they could each have a bit to smell later on i guess]) it was quite fun and you could hardly tell there were seats there at all.
i can imagine the awkwardness of being in the balcony... if you get too carried away and reach your hand out to the moz, down you go! over the rail.
well next time the concert will be in my backyard with general seating and he'll play LOTFIPlayboys and There is a light...
Messages in This Thread
- Song list (views: 1456)
Supa-Sta! -- Thursday, Feb. 17 2000, at 4:45 a.m.
- Re: Song list (views: 848)
rat -- Thursday, Feb. 17 2000, at 6:26 a.m.
- no tomorrow!! (views: 659)
heather -- Friday, Feb. 18 2000, at 6:58 p.m.
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