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Hamilton, ON (Feb. 16, 2000)

Re: Remember 1992 Maple Leaf Gardens

Posted By: kat <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, Feb. 16 2000, at 4:18 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Remember 1992 Maple Leaf Gardens (James)

I was in the reds, too James, and I agree it was quite an experience to watch the floors.

I thought Massey Hall in September 1997 was a much more suitable venue, however. Not sure what Hamilton Place is like, but I checked out their website, and it looks pretty intimate.

> I was in the 'reds' (second section of seats in the stands) in
> '92
> and one of my favourite memories of that show was when the
> lights came up and the band ripped into the first song, (You're
> gonna need... wasn't it?) EVERYONE on the floor (about 800
> people) moved like a huge wave and pushed right up to the stage.
> It was the scariest and coolest thing I've seen at a Morrissey
> show. (other than at the end of the show when the band trashed
> the stage.!!!)

> Anyway, the only way it will be the same in Hamilton is if we
> rip our seats from the floor and make the show instantly
> 'general admission'.
> I don't think there will be too many flowers (I hope I'm wrong!)

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