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Curitiba, Brazil (Apr. 1, 2000)

kirk angel, vai se foder!!!!

Posted By: Carla <[email protected]>
Date: Monday, Apr. 3 2000, at 4:16 a.m.

In Response To: No, that's where you're wrong- English is the world language (kirk angel)

>I love Morrissey because of the song, YES, I do. Your taste does not rules the world, if u only like the lirics, and not the music, that's your loss. U r the one who's enjoying less things in this life...
> These people who don't speak english r much larger in number, than english speaking people. And if we r such a "pest-hole", Why does Morrissey would even care to come here? And why does his tour is named in spanish? Besides needing English to thrive in the world today, we also need tolerance, and humbleness.

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