| View Thread | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | Curitiba, Brazil (Apr. 1, 2000)
"it's a dream to be here" - a review
Posted By: Fabricio <[email protected]>
Date: Sunday, Apr. 2 2000, at 8:08 a.m.I arrived 8:30 at the Forum and the show would begin at 11:30. It was good to arrive so early because I could sat in an excelent place, in the balcony, very near the stage. So I could see very well what's happening below. People were arriving slowly, and when the show began the venue was almost full, even it was not a sold out show (the Forum capacity is 4000 people, with very few seated places). Most of people in the show was around 30 years old, and I could see many gothic ones. I saw even a Cure T-shirt!
So I was waiting seated for the most important show in my whole life... I was seated during the entire show, and I even took notes! I was nervous, very nervous, and if I am sincere now I'll tell you that I'm not in my common state of mind. It's 4:00 am, I am no tired at all, I am wearing the Morrissey T-shirt I bought there (I bought two pillow cases and two other T-shirts, one of them for a friend) and I am hearing Glenn Gould playing Bach.
Let's return to the show: when waiting we heard some Jacqueline Du Pré cello musics - marvelous, principally the Bach ones. And then began the list before the show. The first song was a punk one, Cockney Rejects I think. Wonderful. Then we heard a strange sequence of songs, that most of you seems to know. I preferred the punk ones...
Then began the last song of the list, the marvelous one with Nico and a great excitation began because people knew the show would begin in the sequence. (I liked to see that most of people there knew the songs of the setlist; the fact that the show was expensive (R$ 40) was good because almost only die hard fans went to the show).
So Morrissey and his musicians came... He was wearing a white shirt and his jeans. He said "it's a dream to be here" and then began "Hairdresser on fire". Then he said something about "dangerous people" and "Reader meet author" began. After this song he said something like "thank you" and then "Obrigado" (thank you in portuguese). The next song played was a very heavy and moving version of "Ouija Board". He said something like "she has come back" I think about Julia Riley (yes, she went to Curitiba). Then came an extraordinary version of "Break up the family" - here he changed the lyrics from "I am in love for the first time" to "I am in love for the last time"... then "It's really so strange". After this song it was showed to Morrissey a strip from people from Paraguay thanking Morrissey for coming. He thanked people, and he said some joke to Alain. The next song was "I am hated for loving" and after it there was played a very impressive "Trouble loves me" version. Then the Gazeta do Povo newspaper (exactly the page where I wrote the discography you can see in the main page of Morrissey-solo) where showed to Morrissey and he said that one page showed to him was good and the other not. "Nice picture" he added. He sang "Half a person" and people were very excited. The next one was "Meat is Murder" and he asked himself if it was an important song before it. The lights during this song were only red - this was impressive. Then came "The more you ignore me, the closer I get" and the public was thrilled. He changed the lyrics from "whether you care or not" to "whether you like me or not", and Alain made a great solo. Then Morrissey made some jokes probably to Julia Riley saying that he would give her his own microphone. "Speedway" were too heavy and had some microphonies during it. So he changed the T-shirt for the first time, from the white shirt to the "English martyrs" one. Then he said "You don't know this, I do" and came a very different "Lost" version (and Alain played harmonica!). The next song was a very heavy version of "Billy Budd" and after it a very impressive "November spawned a monster". After this song it was showed behind the stage a photo of the cover of "Dagenham Dave" single with a baloon saying !qué desmadre! Then Morrissey jetted his T-shirt to the public, and then there was a great fight there to pick it up. His next T-shirt was the "West ham boys club". He sang "Alma Matters", and he signed one autograph after it. A thrilled version of "Now my heart is full" finished the setlist before the encore (and he sent his T-shirt again to the public, with a new fight there). The last song was "Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me". And then... "good night, thank you, God bless you".
He made some signs of the Cross during the show, as I do everyday.
I watched some Morrissey show videos, and what I saw in Curitiba was very different: he was smiling, very calm, very pleased. He sang with an extraordinary voice, on key all the time. He jetted his microphone some times, he danced some times, he shaked lots of hands. But I have never saw him so pleased like today, I have never saw him making his movements so slowly, seeming to want to explore every single moment in Curitiba. I was a little bit sad in the middle of the show because I knew this would finish, but as he said today various times before "Billy Budd": "be courageous, we didn't finished yet".
Messages in This Thread
- "it's a dream to be here" - a review (views: 1833)
Fabricio -- Sunday, Apr. 2 2000, at 8:08 a.m.
- Re: "it's a dream to be here" - a review in English! (views: 1020)
SULU -- Sunday, Apr. 2 2000, at 11:31 a.m.
- Yes, thank you!!!!! (nm) (views: 1033)
Nick Seriously -- Sunday, Apr. 2 2000, at 4:48 p.m.
- Re: Yes, thank you!!!!! (nm) (views: 960)
Fabricio -- Monday, Apr. 3 2000, at 5:46 a.m.
- No "Hey Jude" for you :^P (views: 1060)
suzanne -- Monday, Apr. 3 2000, at 4:41 a.m.
- Re: No "Hey Jude" for you :^P (views: 985)
Fabricio -- Monday, Apr. 3 2000, at 5:42 a.m.
- Re: No "Hey Jude" for you :^P (views: 969)
suzanne -- Tuesday, Apr. 4 2000, at 2:55 a.m.
- Re: No "Hey Jude" for you :^P (views: 1199)
Fabricio -- Tuesday, Apr. 4 2000, at 5:11 a.m.
- Re: "it's a dream to be here" - (views: 1000)
Carla -- Monday, Apr. 3 2000, at 5:23 a.m.
- Re: "it's a dream to be here" - (views: 1019)
Fabricio -- Monday, Apr. 3 2000, at 5:35 a.m.
- still smiling... (views: 997)
Carla -- Monday, Apr. 3 2000, at 7:08 a.m.
- Re: still smiling... (views: 971)
Fabricio -- Monday, Apr. 3 2000, at 8:23 a.m.
- Re: "it's a dream to be here" - a review (views: 1018)
Helena Figueiredo, Lisbon, Portugal -- Monday, Apr. 3 2000, at 6:37 p.m.
- Re: "it's a dream to be here" - a review (views: 1045)
Pedro Marques -- Wednesday, Apr. 5 2000, at 7:30 p.m.
- Re: "it's a dream to be here" - a review (views: 1038)
Fabricio -- Thursday, Apr. 6 2000, at 12:18 a.m.
- Re: "it's a dream to be here" - a review (views: 876)
ND -- Wednesday, Oct. 24 2001, at 8:37 p.m.
- Figueiredo... A Louca!!!!!!! (views: 1007)
Brigada Anti-figueiredo -- Wednesday, July 4 2001, at 6:14 p.m.
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