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Another review
Posted By: Ray (Shenay's hubby)
Date: Saturday, Feb. 12 2000, at 3:56 a.m.The Chicago show was excellent. Granted, I have to agree with my wife-who, by the by, is not a "fat ugly chick"-concerning the overall mood of the crowd. Morrissey is looking quite good for a man of his age, doing what he does, and I'm very disappointed that he still does not have a new record deal, blah, blah, blah. I could go on all day. People of Chicago-Lighten up! Everyone, not only in Chicago, should just be thankful that we were a part of the 2000 tour! Instead of being so damn critical of what the man did or didnt do, said or didnt say, we should be "Counting our lucky stars..." that the man has not decided to call it quits. The Smiths were an awesome band, and Morrissey has put together some great albums, even Maladjusted was great; but if you all recall his earlier shows following the break-up, Smiths' songs were unheard of. Be thankful for what you saw, and what you experienced, because it will not be there for too long.
Finally, THE DRESS BLUES WERE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I took a personal liking to that during the encore-me being an actual U.S. Navy boy and all. Is it really so strange....?
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