| View Thread | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | Chicago, IL (Feb. 10, 2000)
Tomato stolen - but show goes on!!!
Posted By: Billy B.
Date: Tuesday, Feb. 8 2000, at 5:22 p.m.Hey,
You know,I WAS pretty bummed.
The other day I was all excited. I had this silly red, foam tomato suit with a big floppy green hat that looks like the stem. In celebration of Morrissey coming to play in Chicago I was planning to dress up and go to the show. I thought if I can go dressed up as a big red tomoato, then certainly no one else would have to feel awkward or insecure about dancing, singing, cheering and have all the fun they wanted to at the show. The suit was going to be a symbol. We could all lose ourselves for a few moments at the Chicago show, go completely wild, not feel self-conscious, not think we dance funny or care what we look like.
Well, I live in an old apartment building near downtown. Excited, I got my tomato suit from my folks house and brought it back to my place in prep for the big show. I couldn't get it through a downstairs door so I had to leave it in this little alcove until I could load it back in the car for safe keeping. Anyway, someone stole the suit! I can't imagine who would want a big, red tomato suit but sadly it was gone when I got back downstairs.
Nevertheless, I'm even more fired up about the Chicago show now! Reading all the posts here from fellow fans about how we're all gonna have a great time has gotten me really excited again. Yay for the fans! This show will be special because of us and I know Morrissey will love the energy and reflect it back.
Just like the Grinch who tried to steal Christmas. They can try to take our tomato suits, talk on the radio about how miserable Morrissey is and write cliche reviews about the gigs but the Morrissey Chicago celebration show will go on!!!
One guy even wrote to say he was going to bring a sign that said, "Go Tomato!" Hahahaha -thanks. Well, we're all big, red tomatos now and I hope we'll make the Chicago show something special.
I'm looking forward to cheering, dancing and having fun along with all of you. This is going to be great!!
Yay for Morrissey!!! Yay for all of us!!!
Messages in This Thread
- Tomato stolen - but show goes on!!! (views: 1061)
Billy B. -- Tuesday, Feb. 8 2000, at 5:22 p.m.
- Re: Tomato stolen - but show goes on!!! (views: 613)
Pop Cooltier -- Tuesday, Feb. 8 2000, at 5:56 p.m.
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