| Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | Boise, ID (Feb. 5, 2000)
The Boise show...
Posted By: anonymous
Date: Sunday, Feb. 6 2000, at 7:32 a.m.It's midnight and I just pulled in from the show. Whoa. My first Morrissey concert ever. I've listened and loved his music since the Smiths , but never thought "the Moz" would come HERE.
Tonight was so intense. The opening act were really quite good, called Lovesick. The crowd was mostly mid twenties maybe early thirties some. The intermission music was the same as previously listed for the Seattle concert. I got a set list at the end of the show...this is what it looked like tonight...Moz came out wearing jeans, white button down shirt and black jacket and began singing...
Boy Racer
Alma Matters
Swallow on my neck
Is it really so strange
Lost (absolutely gorgeous song)
Now my Heart is FUll
Reader Meets Author
Meat is murder (with Boz' killer guitar solo)
The More you ignore..
I Can have both (sort of...he started playing this one and decided to can it instead so just stopped)
Last Night I Dreamt
and as an encore he played
Shoplifters of the worldEvery note on key, every piece played true to the original. I hate it when you go to a concert and the artist says, "Now we'll play a song goes something like this..." I always think, "Look buddy, I payed $25 bucks for these tickets, I want to hear EXACTLY what it goes like!" ANd Moz just did incredible with the Smiths tunes.
If you read the previous reviews, they bear a lot of similarities...yes, people threw the bananas during boy racer and yes, he playfully groped the bananas. People threw flowers and he threw them back. A lot of people tried to surf and get to Morrissey...at least 10 tried to do it. What an incredible entertainer and stage presence
Morrissey was chatty and seemed in a really good mood. He reached out to the audience and wanted to touch like we wanted to touch him. One girl who was surfing up to him was taken down by security and Moz said, "I tried to save you, but the sharks got you first." You might find it interesting to know this was a smaller arena venue and it did not sell out. They took the Idaho Center and partitioned it off so only quarter was used. I also have to say this concert as very poorly promoted. The only way I found out about it was through Morrissey solo.com. A night I will never forget. What a well rounded set list-classics (for the older half, as Moz put it) and his newer material (from Southpaw and such). I guess those are some superficial impressions. One last thing...Morrissey seemed less of a middle-aged English pop star and more of a real legend. I don't know how else to put it...
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