| Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | Akron, OH (Feb. 14, 2000)
old, but still mobile.
Posted By: Eric <[email protected]>
Date: Friday, Feb. 25 2000, at 9:48 p.m.This was my seventh moz show. It had it's high points; "Shoplifters, Meat, Is it really so.., I can have both, but it just did not have the chaotic madness feeling of old shows. This was why everyone goes to see a Moz show. It is completely unique in this aspect. It just was not there. His voice has stood the test of time though. He sounded as good as ever. The interaction was better than normal. It was a good show. It just wasn't the same. Maybe he is just old and needs to Get Off The Stage?
Verbow was awsome!!! I hope I see them get big!
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