| View Thread | Return to Index | Read Prev Msg | Read Next Msg | Akron, OH (Feb. 14, 2000)
Re: Valentine's day show in Ohio
Posted By: james bondage <[email protected]>
Date: Thursday, Feb. 24 2000, at 6:00 p.m.In Response To: Valentine's day show in Ohio (James Bondage)
>If I tell you that I've watched don't make fun of me later, I'M JUST LOST. jake
The great Mozzer himself displays why he is the single greatest
> male performer of our time. I am continually amazed at his
> longevity and his constant ability to write thought provoking
> and often times brilliant lyrics. From reel around the fountain
> to boxers, the music as well as the lyrics are mesmerizing. I
> have everything in Morrissey's collection including all solo
> works as well as all the Smith's material. I have seen him now
> only four times and trust me when I tell you that, that is
> nowhere near enough. When I arrived in the city of Akron, I kept
> wondering why he did not schedule a show in Cleveland. Hopefully
> he will do another show, and this time it will be in Cleveland.
> The show in Akron though was amazing. He opened with swallow on
> my neck and ended with shoplifters. It was basically the same
> show he did when he was at the metro in Chicago. Now my heart is
> full, boxers, and half a person were all amazing. Alma Matters
> was also incredible. There is so much he can play though that
> you could see him a hundred times and not fit all the brilliant
> material in to one show. He seemed uncharacteristically happy as
> he actually brought people on stage, and clearly enjoyed all the
> glory he was recieving. I was right there in the second row and
> at one point our eyes met and he kindly asked me why I was
> staring , and wryly smiled as he slowly turned away and flew
> into I can have both,explaining that the song was about ice
> cream and being able to have strawberry an vanilla, ice cream
> nothing more nothing less. Mozz is an enigma and will always be
> ahead of his critics. People tend to criticize what they do not
> understand. It's nothing new, but Morrissey's innate ability to
> transcend and persevere is truly inspiring. If there was one
> thing lacking at this show it was long time drummer Spencer
> Cobrin. He is one hell of a drummer and was missed. Morrissey
> however was able to overcome that with a brilliant performance
> aided by Gary Day, Boorer, and the fabulous Alain Whyte who
> collaborates with Mozz on some of his best solo stuff. They were
> all quite ripping. Do I hope that Morrissey and Marr get back
> together for a tour. You bet, and trust me when I tell you this
> as we speak is in the works. What is so apparent though is that
> whether it is the Smiths or Morrissey solo, Mozzer is the
> driving force behind the magic. Do I want to hear Marr's amazing
> riffs while Mozzer croons handsome devil you better believe it,
> but I will be just as happy watching Morrissey sing Lost or
> Southpaw.> All of the rumors keeping him grounded he never said that they
> were completely unfounded. I am truly hated for loving.
Messages in This Thread
- Valentine's day show in Ohio (views: 1545)
James Bondage -- Wednesday, Feb. 23 2000, at 3:39 p.m.
- Re: Valentine's day show in Ohio (views: 526)
james bondage -- Thursday, Feb. 24 2000, at 5:58 p.m.
- Re: Valentine's day show in Ohio (views: 574)
james bondage -- Thursday, Feb. 24 2000, at 6:00 p.m.
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