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Akron, OH (Feb. 14, 2000)

Re: The Deal on the Akron Show

Posted By: jeffrey
Date: Wednesday, Feb. 16 2000, at 12:35 a.m.

In Response To: The Deal on the Akron Show (CARY)

> well first off the venue was kinda neat in it's decor and layout
> but one thing really hurt it - the orchestra pit in the front.
> There was a railing that created this sudo-barrier between row A
> and the stage. There was about 4 rows of folding chairs in the
> pit, full of a strange mix of people. But all in all just a real
> waste of space, that detracted from the show.
> The security sucked. Kid Rock fans and local gym rejects who
> obviously had no idea who was performing or what he was about.

> So apart from that, the show was great. The setlist was the same
> as Detroit with a few re-arrangements, and no Lost.
> Ouja Board sounded nice, Hairdresser was really grand, and the
> Smiths tunes were amazing, esp. Half A Person and Shoplifters!

> Morrissey was VERY CHATTY tonight! He walked on to the stage to
> a James Bond Soundtrack and said, "The name's Bondage,
> James Bondage",
> "Welcome to our Valentine's Day Massacre"! -
> "Here's a song we will massacre"! The band launched
> into Swallow.

> Some other tid-bits of Moz speak where...

> "Thanks for the belt, but you see, I liked the idea of my
> pants falling down". (someone gave him a belt wrapped up in
> a heart-shaped box.

> he saw a spitting image of himself and said, "Do you know
> who you are?, I'm going to report you to the people for the
> ethical treatment of animals. I have a mobile phone. I'm calling
> them now".

> before Meat....
> "I know this is really rough farmland....(4X)
> after Meat....
> "what I was trying to say is that, I know this is really
> rough farmland but if there is a difference between, racism,
> torture, homophobia, and murder....someone please let me
> know."

> There was soooo much more that was said, he was super animated
> and in great spirits. If it wasn't for the venue set-up in the
> front, it would have been a 10. But it was a great show! - See
> you in Pittsburgh.


Sorry you couldnt join me up front......I hope I wasnt part of your "strange mix"......please dont stereotype.

Best Moz comment.....after "I Can Have Both"------"That song is about strawberry ice cream and vanilla ice cream.....I can have both.....thats all it is about."

See all in my home Pittsburgh

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