YOR Review in The Times


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'Much of the credit for the sonic pugilism of these performances must go to producer Jerry Finn, whose death from a brain haemorrhage shortly after the album was finished is portended in Something is Squeezing My Skull'

And this person writes for the Times? :rolleyes: Gizajob!
I really don't get it. How do you mix in racism in an album review, how relevant is that? Second, why everyone talks about what Morrissey hates and no one mentions all the things he loves. It's beyond me.
Times didn't even get the lyrics right (and the f-ing lyrics were printed with the album) so that's saying something.
Apologies if this has already been posted elsewhere in the forums, I've not seen it anywhere.


Pretty negative for a 3 star review, and includes some absolute nonsense equating SISMS with Jerry Finn's brain hemorrhage. Pretty tasteless, I'd have thought... :crazy:

EDIT: There's also a similar review in The Independent:


The indepenent's is short but decent, the Times review is silly and mentioning Jerry Finn's brain hemorrhage :crazy: WTF-what are they on?

Also, (sorry if this has been posted before) I spoted a very nice review in MUSIC OMH


'Much of the credit for the sonic pugilism of these performances must go to producer Jerry Finn, whose death from a brain haemorrhage shortly after the album was finished is portended in Something is Squeezing My Skull'

And this person writes for the Times? :rolleyes: Gizajob!

...Hmmm...My sentiment exactly...Although when I see a Times journalist is able to come up with such nonsense (with English presumably his mother tongue)
(? Greek?),
something deep inside me just wants to send a dozen red roses as a vibrant Homage to Moronism.
Or, a wreath, maybe.
Must be Valentine's day.

Yep. When I see the way some people work, I'm really proud to be unemployed. (pats own back).
When I say nasty stupid things, at least me I don't get paid. :cool:
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