Would you rather go to a Smiths concert or a Morrissey concert?

The Smiths, of course. Why would I prefer going to a Morrissey concert? To hear Jesse Tobias slaughter This Charming Man?
Smiths by far. "Rank" makes me feel sick with envy at those who got to see The Smiths live.
The Smiths, of course. Why would I prefer going to a Morrissey concert? To hear Jesse Tobias slaughter This Charming Man?

The smiths!
Morrissey is phenomenal live but the smiths would be Moz and Marr together.
I'd use a time machine for this very purpose.
[That should have been the plotline for one of those Butterfly effect films. I go see the smiths live and by inadvertently stealing a N.M.E reporter's place at the gig they never... what am I saying? The guys who hated Moz probably never went to a show.
Alright, rewriting that... I steal the spot of one of the other moz solo posters who've been to a Smiths gig and they hate me forever. I chose the smiths over the beatles in my time travelling scenario since those screaming girls made it impossible to hear them anyway.]
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