Words or phrases that are in fashion, do you use them more than you should? (The Latin disease)



I was thinking to myself that a lot of people seem to fall victims of popular words that seem to be in fashion at the moment or phrases. Lately I have been noticing that a lot of people use Modus Operandi a lot and before only criminologists used this. Now it seems to be just anyone out there over using it a lot as it seems to be in fashion.

The same goes for some popular phrases used a lot and so I was thinking if you people here at Solo use these popular words or phrases a lot?

I try not to and rarely have any use of these words as my vocabulary is natural rich anyway so that I can use other words and descriptions without falling for the popular ones in demand at this moment in time. Do you like me wonder why people fall in love with certain words and phrases and do they try to come across as more clever by using these popular words and phrases?

Personally I feel that a person using Modus Operandi without really working in any professional field comes across as a wannabe that tries to cover up their own uncertainty by trying to come across as well educated. My personal experience is that people using latin a lot are not well educated or are working with something that may justify the use of latin. It seems to be a trend and is apparently very fashionable to use but why?
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