Which Smiths/ Morrissey Lyrics Best Describe You?

Don't rake up my mistakes, I know exactly what they are
(those alone, and with)
and what do you do... well, you just SIT THERE
'Oh, the pain in my arms
Oh, the pain in my legs
Oh, my shiftless body.'

I've been moaning 'OH THE PAIN' for ages.
.......There's nobody around to say NO! - who brainwashed this small shy Boy inside...'

I'm depending on you
To see I get safely to
The port where my heart
Is too lost to find
"I could've run loudly and proudly
Or forcible entry
And morally bankrupt
And never not violent
And drawn to what scares me
And scared of what bores me
Years alone will never be returned."

and even though it was first written by Magazine,
our Moz covered it...

"I am angry, I am ill, and I'm as ugly as sin.
I don't know what keeps me alive and kicking.
I know the meaning of life, it doesn't help me a bit.
I know beauty and I know a good thing when I SPEAK it..."
We'll let you know
Oh, but only if
You're really interested
perhaps you are looking at things too one dimensionally?

Yes. Perhaps.

I see the world
it makes me puke
but then I look at you
and know that somewhere
there's a someone
who can soothe me
Say the wrong word to our children 2
we'll have you, oh yes, we'll have you
lay a hand on our children
and it's never too late to have you

To be finished would be a relief
So : the choice I have made
May seem strange to you
But who asked you, anyway ?
It's my life to wreck
My own way
Friday mourning, I'm dressed in black
Douse the houselights, I'm not coming back
For years, I warned you
Through tears, I told you
Friday mourning, there comes a time
A fall that breaks this very smug mug of mine

how true for today, absolutley:tears:
"And when you want to live
How do you start
Where do you go
Who do you need to know?"

wow I sound depressed :tears:
TO SAY THE LEAST: truly disappointed
truly, truly, truly
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