What's Your Morrissey Theme Song?

I Know It's Over

(yeah..I'm at a dark point right now...LOL)
My theme song would be: My life is an endless succession of people saying goodbye(not funny any more), Friday mourning and Will never marry. All in all...almost all songs are "mine".
which is not so good i think:(
I know it's gonna happen someday
Bigmouth Strikes Again
How could anybody possibly know how I feel
The world is full of crashing bores
The boy with the thorn in his side......

Oh, gee whiz, there's just so many.....:cool:

Well I Wonder
I know it's gonna happens someday
There is a light that never goes out
Trouble Loves Me
Found Found Found
In the Future when all's well

That's probably too many... never mind.
I'm Not Sorry
I Am Hated For Loving
I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday
In The Future When All's Well
I always sing along to the part of Teenage Dad On His Estate that goes,

You're a dipper, a slider, cart-horse provider
Nobody cares about you
Just as long as you're out there bringing it in

It's not that I'm self deprecating, but this is the soundtrack when I'm feeling socially awkward and uncomfortable (which is most of the time).
alma matters
will never marry
half a person
certain people i know ,among others :)
Please, Please Please.....

I never get what I want!! :mad:
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