David Talaga
I am looking to sell my entire Moz cd colle tion and was wondering what you thought it might be worth. You can see my collection here. Note that I have a lot of Japan realeases and a number of bootlegs. I'd love to see what you all think it might be worth. I know they are cds and are not going to get what a record will get but I do have some rare stuff in here. Anyway, thanks.
I am looking to sell my entire Moz cd colle tion and was wondering what you thought it might be worth. You can see my collection here. Note that I have a lot of Japan realeases and a number of bootlegs. I'd love to see what you all think it might be worth. I know they are cds and are not going to get what a record will get but I do have some rare stuff in here. Anyway, thanks.