What's going on in Jakarta right now

This has been all over my Twitter (between the Nerak posts and BlueRoseSociety info).
Sounds horrific, but so does any gathering of wankers singing badly

There’s a Stone Roses one doing the rounds, too. And a Pixies one.
They don’t sound any worse than your run-of-the-mill Darlington audience. And they claim to actually speak English as a first language.
Are they … ‘flirting with disaster?’

TIALTNGO. Perhaps the greatest song ever written.
This has been all over my Twitter (between the Nerak posts and BlueRoseSociety info).
Sounds horrific, but so does any gathering of wankers singing badly

There’s a Stone Roses one doing the rounds, too. And a Pixies one.
They don’t sound any worse than your run-of-the-mill Darlington audience. And they claim to actually speak English as a first language.

Yep, the Stone Roses one appeared on my feed as well.

Appears to have helped with the above.
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