what you want to become when you grow up

....why thank you Kuipy. I can just see me in my orange jumpsuit, parachute attatched to my back (just in case ) black bag in one hand and my little piper plane waiting for me. I would zip about the outback (i wanna go emigrate to Aussie land) rescuing peeps in need.

But i REALLY LURVE scuba diving

Okay, you are nice, I'll tell you what I('ve) want(ed) to be:
A chef :D
A writer of some kind :o
Involved in politics in some anti-party way :p

By the way did you see the MCR thread I created especially for us? ;)
Okay, you are nice, I'll tell you what I('ve) want(ed) to be:
A chef
A writer of some kind :o
Involved in politics in some anti-party way :p

By the way did you see the MCR thread I created especially for us? ;)

So sweetie, do you still want or not? Why don't you try some of the things you want or wanted to be/do? I know you could do it, you are a very articulate chap and writing could be your forte. Give it a go.:) Hey everbody has to eat, right? So it's always a good one to be.
Nope but i will find our MCR thread now!!!
Isn't it just, Russell can even cheat on me with you if you and he desire. :D
That's very kind of you!!!!! I could buy a house nearby(lets be honest, the chances of him staying faithful are slim to none)
I'm in the mood to become a journalist, but I know not much about this job, what is the pay like? I hear Salford University does good journalism courses, can anyone un/lucky enough to have been to Salford Uni confirm this?
Max, probably - 'cause've the hair
I'm a lumberjack and i'm ok, i work all night and i _______all day;)
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