Surmontil 50
Steel is the only one that went out like a trooper. He wasn't gonna be no zombie fodder.
I own the terrible remake from 2008. Not because I like it...but because I collect things and had to have it to go with the remake of Dawn. I don't really like zombie films that much anymore as they've been done to death, come back to life, and were done to death again. There have been at least two recent ones I've seen that I enjoyed, British, one French.
I'm thinking of setting up a program in the vein of Otter Watch to document my progress...
Which 2 Brit/French films were worth the watch then?
Dawn Of The Dead still is the best of the genre though. It's got a special place in my heart, I have to say though since then Romero's films have gotten steadily worse; weak 2 dimensional characters. Re-hashed ideas, dafter plot twists etc...
I want to start watching the old Hammer Horror Films soon, along with some of the old 50's black and white B-Movie horrors. Just can't find the time