what made you frown today?

That sucks. Any government that can't guarantee you a good night's sleep sucks.:mad: If sleep isn't listed as a Right of Man, it's only because the guy with the quill was napping.

Here I get to sleep until 4.30 A.M, after that cars and trucks wake the birdies up. The birds sometimes fall back asleep. I usually don't.
You'd think you're in the city that never sleeps. And there's the light pollution as well; you'd think you're sleeping rough in the middle of Times Square.
For a fishing village and orchards to become a town with buildings full of flats that are never lived in, not a space that's not covered in concrete, ugly and mostly empty commercial areas that extend infinitely around it, green areas the size of a handkerchief, and this level of nuisances, no doubt a lot of corruption went on undisturbed for decades, and many bastards got their palm greased.

Thankfully, I don't get massive corruption vibes from the new mayor, but I have little hope the quality of life for me is going to improve, as for now I can't afford a suite at the local palaces. (...not all-year-round, at least :D)

Maybe all the people who can't sleep properly should unite and take over, armed with duvets and pillows?

Since I remember all argentinian goverments were very corrupt. Except maybe one, which had a tolerable level of corruption. But it was cornered by the criminal labour unions, and the president had to resign.
Maybe a good night sleep is too much to ask in a place where people is being kidnapped on a daily basis. I'm the only one who still claim about noise since people live with fear, and some of them believe I'm suicidal. Who will they claim to?
Gay men aren't allowed to donate blood for victims of the Orlando shooting.
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Gay men aren't allowed to donate blood for victims of the Orlando shooting.

That's terrible, but... how do they know someone is gay? That's private information. They can't ask someone about his sexual orientation unless that person desires to express it.
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i was standing at an intersection today waiting for the light to change and some old guy comes whirring up on his scooter saying "excuse me, excuse me" for me to move. because i hate old men on scooters almost universally i felt no need to bother to look at the wretch from which the plea came but instead made a show of not looking at him and acting really huffy and annoyed, as i do when other people think they own the sidewalk (this is a real problem here where asians and cruise ship tourists line the sidewalks in droves, and occasionally i will carry my large very sturdy umbrella with me and wave it around their knees and ankles in a hint to them to wake up out of their obliviousness and move, which i usually find to be a good way of sorting out those individuals). when the light changed i advanced across the street, thinking only when i got to the other side of the few old men in scooters whom i do in fact like, and suddenly worryied that that might have be one of them. so i turned back to look and oh woe! it was possibly my favourite and sweetest old man ever, this lovely scottish man who always, when you ask him how he is, replies "happy, happy!" in a way that warms your heart. i felt sooooo bad. ugh, im such a jerk. i dont know him that well so hopefully he didnt recognize me.
Went on a pro Ana board after reading about them and that was really frown inducing and depressing
pro-ana sites are so ten years ago. and they're more cringe-worthy than anything. a bunch of shallow mindless youngsters thinking that theyll look like models if they're just thin enough (as though thats all there is to it). i dont think real anorexics (who i actually have sympathy for) go to those stupid sites. it's just try-hards who want people to think they're anorexic. nothing sadder than that.
Not a good news today. The UK leaving the EU that is. I bet her majesty is laughing her head off as she bites into her morning crumpet.
Ugg sanders. Yeah I didn't win and my ideas didn't win a majority but I demand that they be the center piece of the persons who's campaigne and ideas did win. Guy needs to get over himself. Still runs around with his secret service detail at the tax payers expense which is unnecessary. None of the loosing thirteen republican campaigners have there's
Also the line

By day I'm a regular cyber security engineer but Im a vigilante hacker by night
Slovakia losing to Germany in Euro '16. I always cheer for the underdogs. Unfortunately they blew all the chances. Wonder who goes to the finals. My son also blew his chance this weekend in the tournament. He could have scored a winning goal, but instead hit the post. Oh, well it's JUST a game.
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