What is Your Brain's Gender?

I'm bang on feminine apparently. I spose that's expected, though I don't think of myself as all that femmy.

Left thumb on top, shite at all the shape tests, good at the memory test and the word test, prefers women with feminine faces, er...what else was there? Oh, that eye thing, that was pretty good.

God the first one, the angle test, that was brutal, I got so confused :rolleyes:
The people who, i assume are female, that are getting high scores on the female front but don't think they are 'all that feminine'... what theory of femininity are you personally scoring yourselves on?
Personally, i have found there to be a male idea of feminity that is inforced or is the norm about town: Long haired, wears dresses, make-up, likes shopping/ cooking/ breeding kids/ etc.
I've had so many guys say i should grow my hair long and embrace my feminity, or say i walk like/ dress like a guy, or god forbid i might say i like the footie ball games or cars and have an opinion based on knowledge of such things... sometimes i'm thought of as gay, even been waterboarded, but not.
Who says what is feminine, or woman?... i am one so i must be, inspite of my 80%+ man brain.
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