
life`s a bitch:p
but every once in a while on some day in your life something funny happens
what did make you smile..share....
.your pet doing something stupid , your kid says something amusing...something in the newspaper, tv, some encounters with the " human race";)..anything

if not today ...then in the recent past
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A little girl was playing with the curtains outside the photo booth while I was having my pic taken for my student card, and when I stood up and opened the curtains she ran off :p
My Mum telling me how she used to say 'thank you' to the ATMs when they first appeared.
I just got free soup! :D

My co-worker bought her lunch and me a soup and the lady somehow forgot to ring mine up.

spicy chicken enchilada = HOT!
As lame as it is, the XM radio station #51. For the whole month it's an all Metallica channel :p Hearing songs I haven't heard in so long, the songs that saved my life to an extent while in high school is very interesting and kind of cool.
life`s a bitch:p
but every once in a while on some day in your life something funny happens
what did make you smile..share....
.your pet doing something stupid , your kid says something amusing...something in the newspaper, tv, some encounters with the " human race";)..anything

if not today ...then in the recent past
I got all the kids to draw pictures of themselves and write what thay did and didn't like at school next to it today. One of them qrote 'music' next to things she didn't like, and I couldn't help laughing because they had an awful music teacher last year. :D
listening to brands show from saturday, and finding it opened with Boy with thorn.. :)
My little boy turned five yesterday, and he adores chihuahuas, specifically baby chihuahuas. Every time he throws a coin in a fountain or blows off a dandelion, he wishes for a baby chihuahua. A baby golden chihuahua, to match his golden blond hair. Of course, at this point, there is no way in the world we are getting another dog. So I bought a stock image of a baby chihuahua and made him a birthday card in Photoshop. When I gave it to him last night, he was completely and genuinely thrilled with it. After opening his other presents, he picked the card up again, and gazed at it with starry eyes, and turned to me and said, "Oh, Mom! I thank you for this card! I love it so much!" We tacked it up over his bed. :D

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An old woman sitting in a bus stop who put two fingers up to me (with both hands!) for no reason. Amused me too much :D

An ex shag perhaps?

I went to the park today and was amused by a little bird that sang to me in return for bits of bagel. Sing you little bird whore sing!!! That and a bunch of squirrels having a big scrap. Fight, fight, fight, fight! (Please excuse me, the soda is full of e-numbers and frusctose here in New York)
An ex shag perhaps?

I went to the park today and was amused by a little bird that sang to me in return for bits of bagel. Sing you little bird whore sing!!! That and a bunch of squirrels having a big scrap. Fight, fight, fight, fight! (Please excuse me, the soda is full of e-numbers and frusctose here in New York)


A neighbour of mine was raking his grass (not a metaphor for anything) and he put the end of the rake through a pain of glass in his Greenhouse.

Daft C**t....:p
As lame as it is, the XM radio station #51. For the whole month it's an all Metallica channel :p Hearing songs I haven't heard in so long, the songs that saved my life to an extent while in high school is very interesting and kind of cool.

The new cd is pretty good. It reminds me of Master of Puppets.
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