I am sorry your insular cultural landscape i.e. trailer park is full of ̶i̶m̶m̶i̶g̶r̶a̶n̶t̶s̶ colored people. but it was always going to suck to be you and that's really the least of it.
Yeah. Well, whatever floats your boat. You're a creepy, skeevy, gross motherf***er with a hard-on for everything I post here. How does that FEEL?
You literally know nothing about me or my life except what you infer from posts here, all of which is filtered through your uber-left, pussified lens. And that's fine. You do you, bud.
Also, scumbag, I have no problem admitting I don't like black people, as a whole. I think their "culture" is noxious and that the corporate pandering to it that has been ramped up 100 fold since George Floyd died has exacerbated it beyond any tolerable level. Again, I have zero problem admitting that.
I don't believe in discrimination or violence but I do believe that the racial divide will ALWAYS be with us and that segregation is the best solution. I would like very much for everyone to "just get along" but that has never happened and never will happen. They all should have been shipped right back to their beloved Africa after the Civil War. Honestly they should never have had to come here at all; the whole slavery thing has had a cultural domino effect that to this day is absolutely decimating the country and will continue to do so. And it was a disgusting time in American history.
But...blacks commit the majority of violent crime and make up, by far, the majority of the prison populace. These are non-biased statistics. I truly believe that any white person who would go out of their way to demonize someone who feels this way has a terminal case of white guilt and that's really not my problem...yet I'm paying for it. The taxes I pay from the job I work are someone else's welfare check.
The thing is, that we aren't talking about me. We are talking about Morrissey. He opposes open immigration, and is called a racist because of that.
IS he a racist? If he is, I don't see any consistent evidence of it, and I definitely don't think that his support of For Britain is tantamount to racism. If you can make a good case for open immigration NOW, as the world exists in 2022, go for it. But you probably can't, because the stats are against you, plus you aren't very smart, and any intelligence you DO have takes a backseat very quickly to your default rebuttal tactic, which is just to make personal attacks....and that's just lazy and dull, albeit predictable at this point.
But yeah. I, personally, don't think black and white should mix. I think that black-made music, NOW, is the epitome of inane. Look at Cardi B. There is no life in her eyes. None. It's a vacant hole. A total dearth of anything resembling intellect.
All black art and black culture is totally devoid of any redeeming, universally accessible value as far as I'm concerned. It exists in a vacuum. Made by blacks, for blacks.
Or maybe it's just annoying to me. I don't know. I ignore it whenever possible, which gets harder and harder all day. I can't even turn on the Criterion Channel without seeing an exclusive "black" section (I refuse to capitalize an adjective), or open Spotify without being subjected to the same. To me that is the essence of racism.
So yeah. Ask me how much sleep I'll be losing because "Dave" on Morrissey Solo thinks I live in a trailer park. Or that he thinks I'm a racist. Not one wink. I believe that racially-inspired hate crimes are abominable, as are crimes against homosexuals. But I believe that until we accept that disparate cultures will always be far more likely to war with each other than get along (as a whole) it will not only keep happening but get worse.
I have all my teeth, a good job, a beautiful girlfriend, and a nice home on a quiet little suburban street. If you want to imagine I'm a Confederate flag brandishing, gun toting, pick up truck driving, inbreeding, country music listening MAGA cartoon, because that's the easy little way your brain processes things, go for it.
I love my town. It's beautiful and quiet and the homes are well maintained and people take pride in their families and neighborhood.
The other end of town, however, is quickly becoming a shithole, because it's next to Gary. There are exponentially far more police calls (I have a scanner and have many friends on the force), increasing grafitti, vandalism, and in general it is far less safe at night.
Almost all at the hands of blacks.
This end of town, in the meantime, is still 95 percent middle class, hard working white people.
The second that starts to change, I'll fly faster than you can say Black Lives Matter.
Suck my dick, Dave.