Morrissey Central "Viva Morrissey" (April 5, 2020)

Morrissey Central: "Viva Morrissey" - April 5, 2020

Links to Paul Blake's article (from Viva Morrissey cover band):


In 2010, in the context of a discussion regarding China's animal welfare record, Morrissey described the treatment of animals in China as "absolutely horrific". Referring to news stories he'd read about animals in Chinese circuses and zoos, he'd remarked to an interviewer: "Did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal welfare? Absolutely horrific. You can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies", remarks which were deliberately and wilfully misrepresented, and met at the time with predictable (faux) outrage from all of the usual suspects.

Morrissey later qualified his remarks stating: "If anyone has seen the horrific and unwatchable footage of the Chinese cat and dog trade – animals skinned alive – then they could not possibly argue in favour of China as a caring nation. There are no animal protection laws in China and this results in the worst animal abuse and cruelty on the planet. It is indefensible."

I think it's obvious to any fair-minded person that Morrissey was referring specifically to the Chinese authorities, along with those engaged in, and actively encouraging this vile practice.

Since we now have strong evidence to suggest that Covid-19, also known as Coronavirus, emerged from a so-called 'wet market' in Wuhan, China, which advertised for sale a variety of live animals, multiple species, crammed together, slaughtered and sold in filthy conditions, contaminated with blood and faeces, including cats, dogs, bats, peacocks, otters, camels, koalas, wolf pups, and the endangered pangolin, all of which are eaten in China, shouldn't those who attacked Morrissey at the time, and those who have persistently ripped the words "the Chinese are a subspecies" from their original context, in an attempt to demonise him and characterise him as 'racist', now hang their heads in shame, and hasn't he been completely vindicated with regards to his remarks on this subject?

With the world in lockdown, and families and friends being torn asunder as the death toll rises, shouldn't we find some perspective, and recognise the spurious claims and allegations made against Morrissey for what they always were, a vindictive campaign carried out by those potential Mark Chapmans, the 'ex-fans', who, like spiteful children, take out their many disappointments in life on those they, quite irrationally, feel have let them down or not lived up to their impossible ideals, along with those who never liked him in the first place, who had always been far too eager to heap scorn upon him whenever and wherever the opportunity arose, simply because he'd held up a mirror and shown them who and what they are, for which, quite understandably, they never forgave him.

Please go vegan.


Morrissey was right. The Chinese are a sub-species. I am so sick of tip toeing around a people's so called "culture". Now from the comfort of your ignorance please call me racist.

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once again.
Morrissey-the Chinese are a subspecies-outrage.
Ricky Gervais-the Chinese are a f***ing subspecies-no outrage in the media.
once one journo criticised him the others piled in and continue to use this phrase to this day.
The guy is a real dickhead, he looks like Tony Hadley and has nothing to say. In fact this post of his, seems to be taken from the BFD blog five days ago. They did their "Morrissey was right about china" covid thing.
He's right in what he says but lots of us have been saying it for months.
In fact lots of these kind of defenceness are years old. Just like the "what about _____they used to sleep with underage women, are you gonna ban them?" kind of one's.
There is socical media comments like these, blogs even articles.
It's not news.
The trouble is it's not really helped morrissey. As the people who tend to agree are people who already thought like this. The people who think he's racist, still will.

What is funny, as in funny pathetic, is that the post morrissey central shares is from a Moz tribute act. Its desperate. It looks f***ing stupid.

Toerag by name and guttersnipe by nature. Behave yourself in public, the foul language only makes one person look stupid and that's you.
not sure why the author paul blake is saying such nasty things about morrissey. to compare morrissey to mark chapman is wrong. it hurt to read this.
Howya babs! Shazza here agin, wtf is going on? I was fast asleep when the ‘electric shocks’ started..gently at first then f***ing zapped me awake as I realised Andy was transmitting from prison. I just have to type what ‘comes through the Ether’. I have no idea what any of it means so...don’t bother asking..bums on seats cuzhere we go, here we go, here we go…!

‘“That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent."’ Chinese proverb

Not so fast, sly, faux-shy sleveen Steven....

Morrissey is, was and always will be an incorrigible troll, a vapid, vacuous inane wannabe intellectual who couldn’t think his way out of a biodegradable bag that’s been used to buy luxury vanity virtue-signalling vittles at Whole Foods. It is completely unacceptable to totalise and concretise 1.3 billion ‘Chinese’ people as all complicit with ‘wet markets’ & enablers of torture-slaughter cuisine for so many reasons only a few of which I shall now delineate. Exhibit A: There is no such thing as ‘China’: it is a fabrication of the Han nation. Would it make sense to claim that the EUropeans were a ‘sub-species’ because one sub-set of that grouping, the f***ing French, force-feed geese to sell foie gras at Harrods supermarket? An inane temple to mindless conspicuous consumerism which Morrissey routinely drags his scrawny sagging ass to? There is an historical context to the Famine Cuisines of regions such as Guangdong and only a completely stupid uneducated person would fail to see much of what goes on in ‘wet markets’ as a vast cultural enshrinement of trans-generational PTSD. Chairman Mao and his mass murdering ‘communist liberators’ took great fun in watching their ‘enemies’ starve and mocked as ordinary families desperately tried to survive by eating anything of a protein-ous nature whether that ‘moving thing’ was a bird in the sky, a creature in the water or anything that moved upon or within the soil of the earth that could be captured to stave off the final death pangs of starvation one more day. Yes, such ‘famine cuisines’ have periodically erupted within the vast complex mosaic that we simplistically call ‘China’ and, yes, the antecedents of all this are largely lost to the sleeping Herd Culture consumers of Beijing and Shanghai as they try to justify why they still go to wet markets even as they chow down on Kentucky Fried Shit and Big Crap burgers. We covered all this here many years ago. There is no need, point or purpose in re-enacting all that. Is there? Except for one point which is worth making and it concerns a celebrity chef in Hell whose part in all this is just another example of the breathtaking arrogance and Privilege of clueless chumps, like Morrissey, who practise cultural appropriation for clicks and hits: Anthony Bourdain...may he squirm and roast in hell fire for all Eternity. His ‘suicide’ was the karmic tsunami of The Animals which my Westie, Alfie, set forth into this space-time dimensionality one wet Wednesday in Wednesbury when I, once again, sat in my car after shopping at Merry Hill only to find myself churning on a sea of rage in sad consideration of Yulin ‘Festival’ of Dog Meat. Alfie saw my heart torn asunder, heard my cries, raised his voice in unison and in a vast cosmic ripping of the Multiverse, there was a unity between human and canine consciousness not seen since the first wolf transmogrified into a ‘dog’. From that co-creation of consciousness the angels who guard The Animals brought forth a time-delayed Hex of such vast power that it now threatens to destroy ‘human’ industrial civilisation: SARS-CoV2 coronavirus which is now colonising the world with the morbid sequelae of Covid-19 mass consciousness event consisting of sickness, death and panic-pandemonium pandemic unleashed. Alfie was never a dog on a chain and his canine and my human consciousness fused in our joint and severally shared brains. Alfie ‘died’ two point five years ago but ‘dogs’ do not ‘die’ they merely transmogrify back into the angelic mass consciousness from which they joyously romp forth each and every time they try to teach us only to be trapped in puppy mills to be sold at boot sales or thrown into scalding water or a scorching wok to become Yulin Stir Fry #9. Inside #9’s temple of torture-slaughter aka the Wuhan ‘wet market’ we find a stir fried post-Communist ‘church of the poison mind’ whose one true religion is to ‘keep the faith’ with the CCP metanarratives which foist consumer crap on ‘China’ in lieu of truth and reconciliation with regard to that little bastard all ‘Chinese’ to blame? What about the shy bald Buddhists who have long sought to temper the outlier savagery? Are animal rights activists in ‘China’ correctly to be subsumed into Morrissey’s inane ‘sub species’? If Morrissey meant the ‘Chinese state’ why didn’t he calmly state that as he fondled that can of Fanta and duped the Poet Laureate into playing along with is troll-tastic mind-games? Morrissey is a political ingenue at 60...or is it 61? Who cares..his only interest in ‘animal rights’ and/or ‘animal liberation’ is if and how it helps amplify publicity to increase his market share as a music entrepreneur in league with transnational global music corporations. Is Morrissey a racist, Fr Ted? Who f***ing cares anymore? What we do know is he is both an incorrigible troll who shamelessly weaponises the most ‘hot button’ topics he can put his grubby unsanitized hands on for personal profit and who, despite risible claims and fantasies of being an ‘intellectual’ is also incredibly thick, is still an uneducated clown who has failed to self-educate for decades whilst lost in an entirely conventional entrainment and enslavement to the tawdry baubles of tacky consumerism like a spoilt child buried beneath an avalanche of Chinese slave labour ‘Christmas’ presents. If Morrissey had actually cared about this issue he would have provided nuance and context at the outset, not as a belated footnote once the prime goal of media outrage saturation had been successfully orchestrated. He has now the brazen cheek to try and get his new long playing record off the managed coma of public indifference by playing the China Crisis card, a shameless rehash of past troll ‘glories’ to distract attention as an intubated publicity campaign thrashes and wails and his career goes into nil-by-mouth mode, irrevocably smeared by the Viva Hate virus of face-time attention whoring which has been his calling card as a musical prostitute these past years...f*** me...almost four decades...somebody ask Sandy Denny: “Where did all the time go?”Do not be fooled again by this circus clown who is indeed ‘the ringleader of the tormentors’ of his disturbed and delusional ‘fans’ who infest his audience like disease-reservoir bats, shrieking and flapping as they descend on The List, pushing and shoving the pizza smeared fingers towards the sing reptilian lizard-brained perpetual victim-scripting singing off-key onstage. Given his penchant for staying in the same hotels as Spanish matadors whilst wearing cashmere-angora cardigans as he munches on Kerrygold cheese sarnies, it behoves Steven and all his camp followers to explain just why anybody should accept Morrissey has any possible right to claim jurisdiction over this pandemic debate. Imagine the moral authority he would now possess if he had ever even tried to ‘walk the talk’? But he didn’t. He is a shocking hypocrite, a disturbed fantasist who has been hoisted by his own petard and a microcassette player belonging to Der Spiegel. If Morrissey didn’t say the Chinese are a ‘subspecies’ he has the option to sue just as he has always had that option. He will not option that option because he hasn’t got a leg to stand on. He said it, he meant it and he did not apologise when he gave his specious speech to soothe the sea of anger that rightly roiled up once his spoken words were transcribed and printed in The Guardian newspaper. Morrissey’s claims to be a spokesperson on Speciesism are entirely specious. He designated the entire 1.3 billion population of ‘China’ without appropriate cautionary context and clarification and, for that, he was rightly dismissed as a clumsy cultural tourist posing as racist. Nothing has changed. Except his smeared unlovely career has gone down the shitter. IANADOAC is his best album yet, of that there can be no real doubt what? Who cares? If he just sang vaguely Smiths lyrics over his latest exciting techno-Dad Rock-dub soundtrack stuff and didn’t go off on one in interviews he’s still be in the nation’s bosom but he is in ‘bad odour’, not just with Jane Austen fans who recoil in horror at this crass abuses of language but also with the vast majority of sentient humans in the UK who still regard popular music as something beyond meretricious ‘bread and circuses’ nonsense. In summation: Morrissey-do one! Shalom. Salaam. Pax Vobiscum. Why are they keeping me in this prison?.. VegAnarchy In Wuhan-Hubei is now VegAnarchyInTheUK is now VegAnarchy In The USA. If you stand on a stage you have to say what you mean and it has to mean what you say. Morrissey is not a racist. He is just a C-list troll. He should hang out with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West as they sob and cry, trying to wrest the Crown back from Tay-Tay, as Steven tries to wrest his ‘crown’ back from The Guardian and Der Spiegel where his reputation is locked in a damp piss smelling cellar for all eternity. Last throw of the dice?....good luck with all that, lads..Andy aka BB

Shazza agin...the transmission has ended...the dawn is breaking but BB is still in prison for playing Anarchy In The UK all night with his social and physically distanced band-mates. He is to be charged under the UK Government Coronavirus Bill for undermining the National Emergency by ironically rehearsing to Ye Olde Sexy Pissers at a volume that could chant down Babylon..I’m done...need a shower, early start at Boots today. I’m a key-worker as well you know, not just Andy’s typist!

Sharon McCormick
For & on behalf of:

Andy aka: BB….”Andy’s out to get me…!”

When is your record coming out?
I agree Chinese don't care about animal welfare in general, but don't just put all the blame in them about what's happening with C-19. They're not the only ones eating and killing animals, that's happening everywhere. What about fishmongers, butchers, animal farmers here in UK or anywhere else. They all kill animals cruelly and we don't really know what's behind doors. I can't see any difference between killing a dog or killing a cow, both are awful and disgusting no matter the country. We are all to be blame for it!! Well, correction, not all! Just the meat eaters and food industry!! It's been proof that eating meat is not healthy for the human body and not good for the environment either. Mother Nature is sending signs! Too many disasters happening in the world! Who's to blame for? Wake up!

Pretty much every one knows that hygiene & welfare standards are a problem the world over.

People being nasty on the internet & China going into propaganda overdrive aren't representative of average opinions.
Egads it's that guy! I remember that time he tried to ruin my Christmas.

Still, I'm surprised Morrissey hasn't said as much with his own mouth.

Maybe he's become cautious & doesn't want another huge scandal because he phrases one line in a way the media gets hysterical about.

Or he thinks it's speaking for itself.
The Guardian has done some article about how we're all talking about Morrissey & Buffy (??) out of nostalgia - if anyone wants to see how horrible they've been to him this time.
The Guardian has done some article about how we're all talking about Morrissey & Buffy (??) out of nostalgia - if anyone wants to see how horrible they've been to him this time.
"The thesis is that the Smiths were always a reactionary force, politically; the notion that they were straightforward progressives, then Morrissey suddenly became a supporter of the far right because of something he ate..."
And that's about as nasty as it gets. I've posted a separate thread with a link but really, don't waste your time.
Pretty much every one knows that hygiene & welfare standards are a problem the world over.

People being nasty on the internet & China going into propaganda overdrive aren't representative of average opinions.
More generalizations from miss- knows- what -everyone- thinks.
Paul Blake is a very odd man. We shouldn't be armchair psychologists, but I think it's pretty sure he has severe delusions of grandeur. I'll always remember when I said in a thread on Moz Solo (under my actual name) that his band weren't very good and that he sounded nothing like Morrissey. He actually took the time to hunt me down on Facebook and privately message me about this, as if a person isn't allowed negative opinions about his band.

Having met him in person and seeing the way he conducts himself, it's obvious he considers himself to be some sort of extension of Morrissey (albeit a 5ft 4" version, who doesn't look or sound anything like Morrissey), with his faux wistful gaze into the distance.

These short essays he posts are just sad. No, Paul, Morrissey doesn't really care no matter how much you defend his previous comments. No, Paul, Morrissey didn't predict Covid-19 back in 2010. Yes, Paul, you should get a job and contribute something to society for once.
That's your opinion. Mine is, he's a dickhead. A grown man posting about a pop star. Who bases himself on someone else to the point of being a tribute act.
Not a good one either. He's nowt like M
Not one original idea in his post.
As I say this basic idea was in an article 5 days before.
It would have looked better for M Central to post from that article. Less shell we say "barrel scrapping".
Also fact is the virus may well have came from a lab not a, wet marketplace. Wuhan has a lab that experments with virus testing.
It could be argued, why single out china?
Foot and mouth was from the UK - disgusting, I can't help but think the brits are a subspecies.
Its irrelevant anyway, highlighting this now, after the BS with Britain First and that interview with the german mag etc

You are right I'm not a gentleman. For a start I'm a woman.
Britain First or do you mean For Britain, because they are distinct movements?

Moz has been equally hostile toward almost every facet of human existence. People can pick and choose any number of Moz “quotes” that offend his/her worldview. He has blasted right wing politics in Britain - it’s safe to say M. Thatcher is no hero of his; he’s offended Catholics; The US; meat eaters in general; so, the fact that he has offended someone or has said something controversial is to be expected. He doesn’t bow to a strict ideology and is not a disciple of the left or right.
Howya babs! Shazza here agin, wtf is going on? I was fast asleep when the ‘electric shocks’ started..gently at first then f***ing zapped me awake as I realised Andy was transmitting from prison. I just have to type what ‘comes through the Ether’. I have no idea what any of it means so...don’t bother asking..bums on seats cuzhere we go, here we go, here we go…!

‘“That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent."’ Chinese proverb

Not so fast, sly, faux-shy sleveen Steven....

Morrissey is, was and always will be an incorrigible troll, a vapid, vacuous inane wannabe intellectual who couldn’t think his way out of a biodegradable bag that’s been used to buy luxury vanity virtue-signalling vittles at Whole Foods. It is completely unacceptable to totalise and concretise 1.3 billion ‘Chinese’ people as all complicit with ‘wet markets’ & enablers of torture-slaughter cuisine for so many reasons only a few of which I shall now delineate. Exhibit A: There is no such thing as ‘China’: it is a fabrication of the Han nation. Would it make sense to claim that the EUropeans were a ‘sub-species’ because one sub-set of that grouping, the f***ing French, force-feed geese to sell foie gras at Harrods supermarket? An inane temple to mindless conspicuous consumerism which Morrissey routinely drags his scrawny sagging ass to? There is an historical context to the Famine Cuisines of regions such as Guangdong and only a completely stupid uneducated person would fail to see much of what goes on in ‘wet markets’ as a vast cultural enshrinement of trans-generational PTSD. Chairman Mao and his mass murdering ‘communist liberators’ took great fun in watching their ‘enemies’ starve and mocked as ordinary families desperately tried to survive by eating anything of a protein-ous nature whether that ‘moving thing’ was a bird in the sky, a creature in the water or anything that moved upon or within the soil of the earth that could be captured to stave off the final death pangs of starvation one more day. Yes, such ‘famine cuisines’ have periodically erupted within the vast complex mosaic that we simplistically call ‘China’ and, yes, the antecedents of all this are largely lost to the sleeping Herd Culture consumers of Beijing and Shanghai as they try to justify why they still go to wet markets even as they chow down on Kentucky Fried Shit and Big Crap burgers. We covered all this here many years ago. There is no need, point or purpose in re-enacting all that. Is there? Except for one point which is worth making and it concerns a celebrity chef in Hell whose part in all this is just another example of the breathtaking arrogance and Privilege of clueless chumps, like Morrissey, who practise cultural appropriation for clicks and hits: Anthony Bourdain...may he squirm and roast in hell fire for all Eternity. His ‘suicide’ was the karmic tsunami of The Animals which my Westie, Alfie, set forth into this space-time dimensionality one wet Wednesday in Wednesbury when I, once again, sat in my car after shopping at Merry Hill only to find myself churning on a sea of rage in sad consideration of Yulin ‘Festival’ of Dog Meat. Alfie saw my heart torn asunder, heard my cries, raised his voice in unison and in a vast cosmic ripping of the Multiverse, there was a unity between human and canine consciousness not seen since the first wolf transmogrified into a ‘dog’. From that co-creation of consciousness the angels who guard The Animals brought forth a time-delayed Hex of such vast power that it now threatens to destroy ‘human’ industrial civilisation: SARS-CoV2 coronavirus which is now colonising the world with the morbid sequelae of Covid-19 mass consciousness event consisting of sickness, death and panic-pandemonium pandemic unleashed. Alfie was never a dog on a chain and his canine and my human consciousness fused in our joint and severally shared brains. Alfie ‘died’ two point five years ago but ‘dogs’ do not ‘die’ they merely transmogrify back into the angelic mass consciousness from which they joyously romp forth each and every time they try to teach us only to be trapped in puppy mills to be sold at boot sales or thrown into scalding water or a scorching wok to become Yulin Stir Fry #9. Inside #9’s temple of torture-slaughter aka the Wuhan ‘wet market’ we find a stir fried post-Communist ‘church of the poison mind’ whose one true religion is to ‘keep the faith’ with the CCP metanarratives which foist consumer crap on ‘China’ in lieu of truth and reconciliation with regard to that little bastard all ‘Chinese’ to blame? What about the shy bald Buddhists who have long sought to temper the outlier savagery? Are animal rights activists in ‘China’ correctly to be subsumed into Morrissey’s inane ‘sub species’? If Morrissey meant the ‘Chinese state’ why didn’t he calmly state that as he fondled that can of Fanta and duped the Poet Laureate into playing along with is troll-tastic mind-games? Morrissey is a political ingenue at 60...or is it 61? Who cares..his only interest in ‘animal rights’ and/or ‘animal liberation’ is if and how it helps amplify publicity to increase his market share as a music entrepreneur in league with transnational global music corporations. Is Morrissey a racist, Fr Ted? Who f***ing cares anymore? What we do know is he is both an incorrigible troll who shamelessly weaponises the most ‘hot button’ topics he can put his grubby unsanitized hands on for personal profit and who, despite risible claims and fantasies of being an ‘intellectual’ is also incredibly thick, is still an uneducated clown who has failed to self-educate for decades whilst lost in an entirely conventional entrainment and enslavement to the tawdry baubles of tacky consumerism like a spoilt child buried beneath an avalanche of Chinese slave labour ‘Christmas’ presents. If Morrissey had actually cared about this issue he would have provided nuance and context at the outset, not as a belated footnote once the prime goal of media outrage saturation had been successfully orchestrated. He has now the brazen cheek to try and get his new long playing record off the managed coma of public indifference by playing the China Crisis card, a shameless rehash of past troll ‘glories’ to distract attention as an intubated publicity campaign thrashes and wails and his career goes into nil-by-mouth mode, irrevocably smeared by the Viva Hate virus of face-time attention whoring which has been his calling card as a musical prostitute these past years...f*** me...almost four decades...somebody ask Sandy Denny: “Where did all the time go?”Do not be fooled again by this circus clown who is indeed ‘the ringleader of the tormentors’ of his disturbed and delusional ‘fans’ who infest his audience like disease-reservoir bats, shrieking and flapping as they descend on The List, pushing and shoving the pizza smeared fingers towards the sing reptilian lizard-brained perpetual victim-scripting singing off-key onstage. Given his penchant for staying in the same hotels as Spanish matadors whilst wearing cashmere-angora cardigans as he munches on Kerrygold cheese sarnies, it behoves Steven and all his camp followers to explain just why anybody should accept Morrissey has any possible right to claim jurisdiction over this pandemic debate. Imagine the moral authority he would now possess if he had ever even tried to ‘walk the talk’? But he didn’t. He is a shocking hypocrite, a disturbed fantasist who has been hoisted by his own petard and a microcassette player belonging to Der Spiegel. If Morrissey didn’t say the Chinese are a ‘subspecies’ he has the option to sue just as he has always had that option. He will not option that option because he hasn’t got a leg to stand on. He said it, he meant it and he did not apologise when he gave his specious speech to soothe the sea of anger that rightly roiled up once his spoken words were transcribed and printed in The Guardian newspaper. Morrissey’s claims to be a spokesperson on Speciesism are entirely specious. He designated the entire 1.3 billion population of ‘China’ without appropriate cautionary context and clarification and, for that, he was rightly dismissed as a clumsy cultural tourist posing as racist. Nothing has changed. Except his smeared unlovely career has gone down the shitter. IANADOAC is his best album yet, of that there can be no real doubt what? Who cares? If he just sang vaguely Smiths lyrics over his latest exciting techno-Dad Rock-dub soundtrack stuff and didn’t go off on one in interviews he’s still be in the nation’s bosom but he is in ‘bad odour’, not just with Jane Austen fans who recoil in horror at this crass abuses of language but also with the vast majority of sentient humans in the UK who still regard popular music as something beyond meretricious ‘bread and circuses’ nonsense. In summation: Morrissey-do one! Shalom. Salaam. Pax Vobiscum. Why are they keeping me in this prison?.. VegAnarchy In Wuhan-Hubei is now VegAnarchyInTheUK is now VegAnarchy In The USA. If you stand on a stage you have to say what you mean and it has to mean what you say. Morrissey is not a racist. He is just a C-list troll. He should hang out with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West as they sob and cry, trying to wrest the Crown back from Tay-Tay, as Steven tries to wrest his ‘crown’ back from The Guardian and Der Spiegel where his reputation is locked in a damp piss smelling cellar for all eternity. Last throw of the dice?....good luck with all that, lads..Andy aka BB

Shazza agin...the transmission has ended...the dawn is breaking but BB is still in prison for playing Anarchy In The UK all night with his social and physically distanced band-mates. He is to be charged under the UK Government Coronavirus Bill for undermining the National Emergency by ironically rehearsing to Ye Olde Sexy Pissers at a volume that could chant down Babylon..I’m done...need a shower, early start at Boots today. I’m a key-worker as well you know, not just Andy’s typist!

Sharon McCormick
For & on behalf of:

Andy aka: BB….”Andy’s out to get me…!”

#Epic If possible I would like to request @BrummieBoy's thoughts on 5G. Thank you.
Did any one see eggheads this afternoon on bbc2, Lisa, from the eggheads got a question, that involved the smiths.... she kicked off again, as she hates moz... not the first or second time I've seen Lisa egghead kick-off when moz or the smiths are mentioned..... she really does hate him...... I wonder iF she posts on here.?.?.
once again.
Morrissey-the Chinese are a subspecies-outrage.
Ricky Gervais-the Chinese are a f***ing subspecies-no outrage in the media.
once one journo criticised him the others piled in and continue to use this phrase to this day.
Morrissey made a statement about all Chinese people ("You can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies") whereas Gervais referred specifically to the Chinese people who abuse animals for the Yulin Dog Meat Festival (calling them "disgusting sub-human c***s").

I agree that, within the context of the whole piece, it's reasonable to assume that Morrissey was actually referring to the same kind of Chinese people that Gervais was referring to. But Morrissey worded his point stupidly and should have known how bad it would sound out of context. Gervais' comment is, in comparison, difficult to pull out of context to make him look racist. He wasn't being needlessly provocative.
c.2010: Morrissey: "Did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal welfare? Absolutely horrific. You can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies."

"If anyone has seen the horrific and unwatchable footage of the Chinese cat and dog trade – animals skinned alive – then they could not possibly argue in favour of China as a caring nation. There are no animal protection laws in China and this results in the worst animal abuse and cruelty on the planet. It is indefensible."

c.2015: Gervais: "They believe torturing the dog makes the meat tastier. They beat them, burn them, skin & boil them alive! Disgusting sub human c***s. #Yulin"

So, aren't they both talking about the same suggests you can't help but feel they are a sub-species, the other directly calls them sub human c***s?

I think Morrissey was more diplomatic while at the same time making a totally valid point, as opposed to wording "his point stupidly"...again ahead of the rest of the world on this particular issue & not afraid to speak out, regardless.
Howya babs! Shazza here agin, wtf is going on? I was fast asleep when the ‘electric shocks’ started..gently at first then f***ing zapped me awake as I realised Andy was transmitting from prison. I just have to type what ‘comes through the Ether’. I have no idea what any of it means so...don’t bother asking..bums on seats cuzhere we go, here we go, here we go…!

‘“That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent."’ Chinese proverb

Not so fast, sly, faux-shy sleveen Steven....

Morrissey is, was and always will be an incorrigible troll, a vapid, vacuous inane wannabe intellectual who couldn’t think his way out of a biodegradable bag that’s been used to buy luxury vanity virtue-signalling vittles at Whole Foods. It is completely unacceptable to totalise and concretise 1.3 billion ‘Chinese’ people as all complicit with ‘wet markets’ & enablers of torture-slaughter cuisine for so many reasons only a few of which I shall now delineate. Exhibit A: There is no such thing as ‘China’: it is a fabrication of the Han nation. Would it make sense to claim that the EUropeans were a ‘sub-species’ because one sub-set of that grouping, the f***ing French, force-feed geese to sell foie gras at Harrods supermarket? An inane temple to mindless conspicuous consumerism which Morrissey routinely drags his scrawny sagging ass to? There is an historical context to the Famine Cuisines of regions such as Guangdong and only a completely stupid uneducated person would fail to see much of what goes on in ‘wet markets’ as a vast cultural enshrinement of trans-generational PTSD. Chairman Mao and his mass murdering ‘communist liberators’ took great fun in watching their ‘enemies’ starve and mocked as ordinary families desperately tried to survive by eating anything of a protein-ous nature whether that ‘moving thing’ was a bird in the sky, a creature in the water or anything that moved upon or within the soil of the earth that could be captured to stave off the final death pangs of starvation one more day. Yes, such ‘famine cuisines’ have periodically erupted within the vast complex mosaic that we simplistically call ‘China’ and, yes, the antecedents of all this are largely lost to the sleeping Herd Culture consumers of Beijing and Shanghai as they try to justify why they still go to wet markets even as they chow down on Kentucky Fried Shit and Big Crap burgers. We covered all this here many years ago. There is no need, point or purpose in re-enacting all that. Is there? Except for one point which is worth making and it concerns a celebrity chef in Hell whose part in all this is just another example of the breathtaking arrogance and Privilege of clueless chumps, like Morrissey, who practise cultural appropriation for clicks and hits: Anthony Bourdain...may he squirm and roast in hell fire for all Eternity. His ‘suicide’ was the karmic tsunami of The Animals which my Westie, Alfie, set forth into this space-time dimensionality one wet Wednesday in Wednesbury when I, once again, sat in my car after shopping at Merry Hill only to find myself churning on a sea of rage in sad consideration of Yulin ‘Festival’ of Dog Meat. Alfie saw my heart torn asunder, heard my cries, raised his voice in unison and in a vast cosmic ripping of the Multiverse, there was a unity between human and canine consciousness not seen since the first wolf transmogrified into a ‘dog’. From that co-creation of consciousness the angels who guard The Animals brought forth a time-delayed Hex of such vast power that it now threatens to destroy ‘human’ industrial civilisation: SARS-CoV2 coronavirus which is now colonising the world with the morbid sequelae of Covid-19 mass consciousness event consisting of sickness, death and panic-pandemonium pandemic unleashed. Alfie was never a dog on a chain and his canine and my human consciousness fused in our joint and severally shared brains. Alfie ‘died’ two point five years ago but ‘dogs’ do not ‘die’ they merely transmogrify back into the angelic mass consciousness from which they joyously romp forth each and every time they try to teach us only to be trapped in puppy mills to be sold at boot sales or thrown into scalding water or a scorching wok to become Yulin Stir Fry #9. Inside #9’s temple of torture-slaughter aka the Wuhan ‘wet market’ we find a stir fried post-Communist ‘church of the poison mind’ whose one true religion is to ‘keep the faith’ with the CCP metanarratives which foist consumer crap on ‘China’ in lieu of truth and reconciliation with regard to that little bastard all ‘Chinese’ to blame? What about the shy bald Buddhists who have long sought to temper the outlier savagery? Are animal rights activists in ‘China’ correctly to be subsumed into Morrissey’s inane ‘sub species’? If Morrissey meant the ‘Chinese state’ why didn’t he calmly state that as he fondled that can of Fanta and duped the Poet Laureate into playing along with is troll-tastic mind-games? Morrissey is a political ingenue at 60...or is it 61? Who cares..his only interest in ‘animal rights’ and/or ‘animal liberation’ is if and how it helps amplify publicity to increase his market share as a music entrepreneur in league with transnational global music corporations. Is Morrissey a racist, Fr Ted? Who f***ing cares anymore? What we do know is he is both an incorrigible troll who shamelessly weaponises the most ‘hot button’ topics he can put his grubby unsanitized hands on for personal profit and who, despite risible claims and fantasies of being an ‘intellectual’ is also incredibly thick, is still an uneducated clown who has failed to self-educate for decades whilst lost in an entirely conventional entrainment and enslavement to the tawdry baubles of tacky consumerism like a spoilt child buried beneath an avalanche of Chinese slave labour ‘Christmas’ presents. If Morrissey had actually cared about this issue he would have provided nuance and context at the outset, not as a belated footnote once the prime goal of media outrage saturation had been successfully orchestrated. He has now the brazen cheek to try and get his new long playing record off the managed coma of public indifference by playing the China Crisis card, a shameless rehash of past troll ‘glories’ to distract attention as an intubated publicity campaign thrashes and wails and his career goes into nil-by-mouth mode, irrevocably smeared by the Viva Hate virus of face-time attention whoring which has been his calling card as a musical prostitute these past years...f*** me...almost four decades...somebody ask Sandy Denny: “Where did all the time go?”Do not be fooled again by this circus clown who is indeed ‘the ringleader of the tormentors’ of his disturbed and delusional ‘fans’ who infest his audience like disease-reservoir bats, shrieking and flapping as they descend on The List, pushing and shoving the pizza smeared fingers towards the sing reptilian lizard-brained perpetual victim-scripting singing off-key onstage. Given his penchant for staying in the same hotels as Spanish matadors whilst wearing cashmere-angora cardigans as he munches on Kerrygold cheese sarnies, it behoves Steven and all his camp followers to explain just why anybody should accept Morrissey has any possible right to claim jurisdiction over this pandemic debate. Imagine the moral authority he would now possess if he had ever even tried to ‘walk the talk’? But he didn’t. He is a shocking hypocrite, a disturbed fantasist who has been hoisted by his own petard and a microcassette player belonging to Der Spiegel. If Morrissey didn’t say the Chinese are a ‘subspecies’ he has the option to sue just as he has always had that option. He will not option that option because he hasn’t got a leg to stand on. He said it, he meant it and he did not apologise when he gave his specious speech to soothe the sea of anger that rightly roiled up once his spoken words were transcribed and printed in The Guardian newspaper. Morrissey’s claims to be a spokesperson on Speciesism are entirely specious. He designated the entire 1.3 billion population of ‘China’ without appropriate cautionary context and clarification and, for that, he was rightly dismissed as a clumsy cultural tourist posing as racist. Nothing has changed. Except his smeared unlovely career has gone down the shitter. IANADOAC is his best album yet, of that there can be no real doubt what? Who cares? If he just sang vaguely Smiths lyrics over his latest exciting techno-Dad Rock-dub soundtrack stuff and didn’t go off on one in interviews he’s still be in the nation’s bosom but he is in ‘bad odour’, not just with Jane Austen fans who recoil in horror at this crass abuses of language but also with the vast majority of sentient humans in the UK who still regard popular music as something beyond meretricious ‘bread and circuses’ nonsense. In summation: Morrissey-do one! Shalom. Salaam. Pax Vobiscum. Why are they keeping me in this prison?.. VegAnarchy In Wuhan-Hubei is now VegAnarchyInTheUK is now VegAnarchy In The USA. If you stand on a stage you have to say what you mean and it has to mean what you say. Morrissey is not a racist. He is just a C-list troll. He should hang out with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West as they sob and cry, trying to wrest the Crown back from Tay-Tay, as Steven tries to wrest his ‘crown’ back from The Guardian and Der Spiegel where his reputation is locked in a damp piss smelling cellar for all eternity. Last throw of the dice?....good luck with all that, lads..Andy aka BB

Shazza agin...the transmission has ended...the dawn is breaking but BB is still in prison for playing Anarchy In The UK all night with his social and physically distanced band-mates. He is to be charged under the UK Government Coronavirus Bill for undermining the National Emergency by ironically rehearsing to Ye Olde Sexy Pissers at a volume that could chant down Babylon..I’m done...need a shower, early start at Boots today. I’m a key-worker as well you know, not just Andy’s typist!

Sharon McCormick
For & on behalf of:

Andy aka: BB….”Andy’s out to get me…!”

Can someone please summarize this for me in Standard English? I lost the will to live after two sentences.
c.2010: Morrissey: "Did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal welfare? Absolutely horrific. You can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies."

"If anyone has seen the horrific and unwatchable footage of the Chinese cat and dog trade – animals skinned alive – then they could not possibly argue in favour of China as a caring nation. There are no animal protection laws in China and this results in the worst animal abuse and cruelty on the planet. It is indefensible."

c.2015: Gervais: "They believe torturing the dog makes the meat tastier. They beat them, burn them, skin & boil them alive! Disgusting sub human c***s. #Yulin"

So, aren't they both talking about the same suggests you can't help but feel they are a sub-species, the other directly calls them sub human c***s?

I think Morrissey was more diplomatic while at the same time making a totally valid point, as opposed to wording "his point stupidly"...again ahead of the rest of the world on this particular issue & not afraid to speak out, regardless.

Just to add to your excellent exposition - the outrage that ensued from Morrissey’s statement was based simply on the use of the word “subspecies.” It was not if Morrissey randomly tweeted, “You can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies." The reaction levied against Moz was faux outrage.
That's your opinion. Mine is, he's a dickhead. A grown man posting about a pop star. Who bases himself on someone else to the point of being a tribute act.
Not a good one either. He's nowt like M
Not one original idea in his post.
As I say this basic idea was in an article 5 days before.
It would have looked better for M Central to post from that article. Less shell we say "barrel scrapping".
Also fact is the virus may well have came from a lab not a, wet marketplace. Wuhan has a lab that experments with virus testing.
It could be argued, why single out china?
Foot and mouth was from the UK - disgusting, I can't help but think the brits are a subspecies.
Its irrelevant anyway, highlighting this now, after the BS with Britain First and that interview with the german mag etc

You are right I'm not a gentleman. For a start I'm a woman.

“Why single out China”?
Paul Blake is a very odd man. We shouldn't be armchair psychologists, but I think it's pretty sure he has severe delusions of grandeur. I'll always remember when I said in a thread on Moz Solo (under my actual name) that his band weren't very good and that he sounded nothing like Morrissey. He actually took the time to hunt me down on Facebook and privately message me about this, as if a person isn't allowed negative opinions about his band.

Having met him in person and seeing the way he conducts himself, it's obvious he considers himself to be some sort of extension of Morrissey (albeit a 5ft 4" version, who doesn't look or sound anything like Morrissey), with his faux wistful gaze into the distance.

These short essays he posts are just sad. No, Paul, Morrissey doesn't really care no matter how much you defend his previous comments. No, Paul, Morrissey didn't predict Covid-19 back in 2010. Yes, Paul, you should get a job and contribute something to society for once.
From what I’ve seen, Paul’s tribute outfit is unique in as much as it represents a latter day Morrissey. Paul has a very good voice, although he doesn’t sound like Morrissey. I wish him every success in his project, as it makes an important contribution to society by propagating the music of Morrissey. Long may it last.
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