Good evening. It’s been a while since I browsed these threads but I’m so glad I stopped by today as I listen to some ambient sounds and watch the autumnal descent to the solstice commence. The asylum patients who comprise the bulk of the remaining Morrissey ‘fans’ never disappoint and this florid flare up of wailing and cry-baby sulking by and on behalf of Teh Morrisey Icon has made me laugh out loud with the sheer banality, vanity and entitlement agenda of both the ‘artist’ and his ‘fans’. When most people lose a beloved parent it stops them in their tracks, they look back at the time of their lives and at what time remains and ponder if they are on the right path. Not the delusional clown trading as ‘Morrissey’. I read of his mother’s croaking experience in the mainstream press and noted the ludicrous reaction from him and from his legion of mawkish, maudlin fake mourner deplorables here. I didn’t find the text where he explained how and why his mother’s dispatch to the netherworld was a tragedy of epic proportions whilst the murder of 90 plus students in Oslo was as inconsequential as the daily torture-slaughter in a fast-food abbatoir or burger restaurant. As for the princess celebrity detachment from reality that led him to note and admire ‘expensive blooms’ from distant lands, what level of aesthetic perversion can he descend to next? Don’t be sending garage or supermarket bouquets to his mother’s mansion with your minimum wage trash cash, only the sophisticated who both know of and can afford boutique florist arrangements need join the mourner’s caravan. Quite why he felt it appropriate to expose his mother, a mostly private person, to the spotlight as a corpse is initially baffling until you realise that such is his vicious quest for fame and attention that even his mother is just more kindling to light the deeply desired firestorm of media attention. How cruel and callous the media largely were to either ignore or note in passing the death of a private citizen whose son happens to be a failed ‘pop star’ who has never even had a Number 1 record in the singles chart. And now this. Trudging through the sludges of grief, consoled only by expensive blooms from sensitive and rich patrons, Teh Morrissy Icon is now cruelly and unjustly assailed by yet more machinations from private corporations who simply do not ‘get’ is world historic importance and do not share the messianic further of his ever decreasing cult base of ‘fans’. Largely the paying ‘clueless consumer’ has written this eejit off a crank, a pseud, a charlatan hoax who had a blistering debut into public consciousness that lasted perhaps 8 years before becoming his own tribute band, periodically adding to the canon with other gifted collaborators but mostly endlessly rehashing former glories alongside karaoke versions of exemplary classics composed whilst part of the genuinely historic art collective known The Smiths. How many more times can this clown troll with his conspiracy theories as to why he has been robbed of global fame and adulation? Consider carefully his own historic ageism towards The Rolling Stones with ‘Get Off Of The Stage’. Or was it Aerosmith? Who f***ing cares. I saw the former band at Cardiff Stadium with my adult son and it was a night of pure magic requiring no hype, no coercion, no media campaign to get 70k people to part with loads of money. Morrissey is clearly bitter and twisted that he is now on the down escalator of media interest and paying customers and still thinks he should be granted a vast marketing budget so that ‘clueless consumers’ realise he has yet another pointless album out. The Rolling Stones still make new music, a new album is released and the recent song ‘Ghost Town’ was a work of quiet genius, of empathy, compassion and solidarity as the world was locked down by a virus that Morrissey mocked and exposed his ‘fans’ to by recklessly continuing with his tour to ‘support’ his last doomed project. Can someone explain why Morrisey has spent decades derisively dismissing the quality of mass selling acts other than the fact that he believes he should be in their place? Can someone explain why he has spent decades appropriating queer culture without any direct statement of support and solidarity? Can someone explain why it isn’t entirely devious, truculent and unreliable to now suddenly begin to use POC complexions as a prop to resuscitate his career which was already on life support before IANADOAC was released into a media landscape which was promptly entirely consumed by the virus crises? It was an excellent album but so what? If nobody is streaming it and the only people who care about it are the inmates of this asylum then that’s his new niche to mine for profit, as he is doing shamelessly given the ticket prices he is colluding with for his proposed Las Vegas residency. Morrissey is not a vegan. How many more times is he going to be allowed to foist this bullshit on to his gormless followers? Morrissey has spent his entire life eulogising the ignored, the marginal, the radical and the controversial in art. He quotes from and plagiarises other artists who never found mass audiences, dismisses nearly all acts who achieve genuine ‘global religious fame’ yet expects to be taken seriously when he has yet another hissy fit about being largely ignored or correctly slotted into ‘Boomer Heritage Touring Act’ by the accountants and marketing teams who run global music corporations. Morrissey has claimed all along to be the champion of those lost in time to obscurity, he is always ‘digging in the crates’ to find artists who the common people haven’t noticed or have ignored, all to polish the turd of his supposed superior aesthetic choices. It’s like we’re all still in the playground in 1973 and the lad with the Bowie album thinks he’s cooler than the kid with the Sabbath album. Nobody cares anymore. It’s all just music to loop on Spotify and Morrissey isn’t part of that conversation to the degree that it invites renewed financial speculative investment for profit by global music corporations. But it will get so much worse for Thee Mozrizey IKon once his dim intellect grasps that fact that there will be a very difficult path back to live performance ‘kerching’ as once the vaccines on the event horizon deliver us from this boring lockdown there will be a stampede of heritage Boomer bands and artists desperate to get their arses on the road to recoup losses, shore up the pension funds and flog merchandise. The next explosion from this drama queen will be when promoters are less than enthusiastic to book his ‘Dad rock with World Music flourishes and 80s revivalist’ show into the kind of venues which he thinks he ‘deserves’ to sell out. The masses who he derided as ‘clueless consumers’ will be overwhelmed with options within the parameters of reduced production capacity in the global music touring industry and promoters will go with those who they know will sell out quickly at inflated ticket prices. There’s no route back to the festival circuit as it’s likely that many other artists will now refuse to be on the same bill as this deeply insincere, uneducated and gratuitously offensive fake cultural provocateur. I wonder how many BMG artists had a quiet word about not wanting to share a rosta with this creep who has deliberately set fire to complex, delicate and potentially dangerous debates about identity and ‘diversity’ without a care or concern for the karmic impact of his provocations? There is no reason why a right wing person can’t ascend to the highest levels of public appreciation for their art if their work is genuine, considered and based on deeply held principles and doesn’t seek to deliberately denigrate the views of others or dismiss them as ‘censorship’. Morrissey is such a flake that he hasn’t even engaged with the free speech debates on social media. He hasn’t been banned or unpersoned, he is just being ignored by paying consumers who have simply moved on and no longer click on that Morztizrey playlist on Spotify thus he has no income stream from past recordings and no sensible record company would throw any more money on to the bonfire of his vanity project to finally ‘make it big in America’ or whatever fantasies engage his mind when he’s not buying non vegan bakery goods. The pre-pandemic model was to give music away on streaming to get bums on seats and standing patrons packed in front of the stage. That has now collapsed and it will be a long time before the vapourised capacities of a company like Fly By Night can recover if the current furlough scheme has to end before herd immunity via vaccine is achieved. CDs and vinyl are the new t-shirt for most bands. They bring in cash from the core fan-atics but without mass listening via streaming services there’s no way to make huge amounts of money from recorded music and it’s hard to see how that might ever change now. Within the group-think echo chambers of the popular music industry and ‘Hollywood’ there is only so much tolerance for views which disrupt the current consensus cultural algorithm and when such views are expressed with colossal clumsiness and ugliness such as displayed by Morrissey’s inflammatory remarks, then it’s hardly surprising that the masses of ‘clueless consumers’ decide they do not want to be part of the ‘journey’ anymore. But nobody is stopping Morriseey from making more music if he is unable to restrain himself from that obsessive compulsive activity, still fed by delusions of global fame as he stumbles into his sixties looking increasingly unhinged. There is no conspiracy to prevent Monterissey from gaining a global audience. There is simply no market for such an audience. Given that most of the radical art he has pilfered and repackaged for his audience of Boomer ‘clueless consumers’, it’s not clear to me what he is complaining about and I find no grounds to give him the right of appeal. Case dismissed. Adele has found global adulation simply through her voice and word of mouth approval which led to her independent label becoming a profitable behemoth. If Mozritzey is serious about all this, he can just find a similar ‘independent’ label and build from there. Or he can shut the f*** up. Jeff Buckley, an artist who Morrissey periodically eulogises, as does Adele, well...he only made one official album before drowning in that river. One album and yet his name and music hasn’t been lost to the sands of time. Why is that? Is it because corporate music has foisted huge budgets onto a dead singer who never actually gained much ‘fame’ whilst alive? Or is it the fact that word of mouth has ensured that his genius contribution will endure? I wonder if Morrissey thinks he’ll be adored and finally have a global audience when he croaks to join his mother? I very much doubt it. He will be quickly forgotten and remembered as a cantankerous ghoul if at all. Other than for his contributions to The Smiths art collective ensemble in the 1980s. I howled with pleasure when he got his comeuppance via my friends at Der Spiegel but it just gets better and better as he bangs his head against the wall yet again. The majority of gifted artists Morrissey has quoted or pilfered from lived in relative obscurity and many remain in such obscurity. That doesn’t invalidate their contribution and it’s really rather pathetic that this fraud still is riven with such insecurity that he equates the size of an audience with the value of the art. The other day a cover of ‘Paper Thin’ by Liane La Havas by a young Irish singer was brought to my attention. I responded with the following comment which I also direct to this ‘Morrissey’ numpty should he be reading this public shrine to his stupidities. He would do well to return to the source of his original desires to make music and write words. Some of us hoped that his mother’s passing would prompt some ‘soul searching’ and bring forth work that wasn’t just sly, sleveen attempts to troll but after this inelegant and redundant outburst, that now seems extremely unlikely, especially given the vulgar publicity campaign he ran before his mother was even in her grave. What an ungracious, incessantly vain and self obsessed specimen he turned out to be, far worse than some of us warned of at the outset. Oh well, no problem. Plenty of other artists to listen to. No wonder Prince drove to play a set at Liane’s flat in Leyton. Many people create music and lyrics of value and significance but very few gain a mass audience. Why is that a problem? It isn’t, unless your real reason for making music is to profit and your chosen scam tactic is to use ruthless capitalist corporate advertising techniques to foist your C list ‘Art’ onto the public and complain bitterly when that plan is frustrated, negated. Mrorrssisszzzzee is a multi-millionaire who wants other multi- millionaires to shoulder all the financial risks of his next absurd project whilst ring-fencing his previous project profits as accrued personal wealth. He wants capitalism to invest in him but is risk - averse so won’t put his scrawny arse on the line by funding his own grass roots campaign to ‘reclaim the throne’ which he never sat on in the first place. In a world reeling from the effects of a virus which Morrissey mocked, the idea that his petulant outbursts about being put out to graze in his old age by ruthless capitalist risk taking corporations is beyond risible. If you believe in your future creativity, fund it yourself. If not, do don’t bother with replies. I won’t see them but some of you here have excelled yourselves in ripping the piss out of this prat on this thread and I salute you all! <3 BrummieBoy aka **** ****** fun it was to join the discussion here all those years ago and what a result we achieved: alabaster has come crashing down but it took over thirty years...job done. Move on. Here’s that comment I made on music: ‘After playing this several times I had an urgent desire to play 'Everybody Here Wants You' by Jeff Buckley. There's no greater compliment I can give: the song I want to hear next tells me a lot about the song I'm listening to now. Spotify doesn't have an algorithm that encapsulates my aesthetic tastes.Good luck with your Odyssean Education in music, Lucy.If you're serious about entering the snake-filled swamp of the 'music business', always remember: music is its own reward for both the composer-performer and the audience member, so long as it is birthed in authenticity and a genuine desire to reach beyond temporality. This applies from Bach to Funkadelic to Abba and onwards, upwards, forward. Forever. The composition is so strong and Liane's take is instantly definitive but you've kept the balance right between homage and inserting your own beautiful voice into the listener's meta-narrative.This is the first time I've heard your voice. I'm looking forward to more, especially the original compositions by you and your musical companions.’ Can anyone offer any insight as to why Morissey has chosen to launch a derisive public blast at ‘diversity’ in music rather than eulogise some of the astonishing talents that are emerging? What will he do when he’s told by promoters that there are going to be diversity quotas which will be applied to festival bills and that concert venues will also expect promoters to uplift and expose artists previously ignored or undervalued because they weren’t part of the white sausage-fest music industry which Morrissey sought to rule by ‘breaking the rules’ but only so long as his fake outrage brought in the paying customers. So, let’s all just sit back, relax and enjoy this as he writhes on the tines of his self-made pitchfork. He can ‘repent’, he can hold fast to his views which the majority of his previous demographic recoiled from in horror or he can stick to his guns and go back to basics to build a base from the bottom up. Other than enjoying any of these options as a media spectator sport I have zero interest. Life is precious and the only valid reason for spending time writing this is to clarify and confirm how and why I and others came to the conclusion that Morrissey was a shameless fraud who has now rightfully been exposed to public opprobrium and scorn. It couldn’t happen to a more worthy bell-end. And no, I had zero feels when his mother croaked. Why would anyone send flowers to the house of a woman whose son happened to make some decent music in the 80s? It was acceptable in the 80s, Morrissey but it’s not now. You’re history and even though a Tyson style return from oblivion cannot be entirely ruled out the odds are looking good that you will go to your grave having wasted your life chasing a phantasm of ‘fame’ and recognition which your meagre, b-list basic bitch sub-Bowie schtick simply didn’t deserve. The customer is always right even when they are lambasted as ‘clueless consumers’.