it's official it's not official.
if it was up to moz we would never know he has ever set foot in a five star hotel. hed have it said that he was hospitalized all the time.
its thru the diligent crank work of benny brummie jb skinny and a few others that the true facts have come to light. now he has no option but to admit his stays in luxury hotels the world over while his fans eat carrot cake.
No, his crew, assistant and road manager manage the tour.
he did a pestana hotel magazine spread while beef sizzlers roasted downstairs poolside-indoor pooside i may add.
could it be that he did so to obtain a sizeable discount on the rate or a comp? the good bettor would bet yes.
I'm sorry but after several reads of your post I still cannot understand what you are trying to get across !
Boom-tishNote from Moz to record company:
I'm from the north and I do what I like. I don't do 'modern' things with anything that requires electricity or buttons. I have an ipod but it's still in the box. I don't believe in the internet but I have an absolutely crap website but it's not mine you understand. I like to cancel at the last minute if the mood hits me, I also like to insult every single person who has ever interviewed me. I know everything and you should know now that I refuse to be managed. Please do not contact me by phone, e-mail, or visit. My voice should be enough. If you don't like me don't look at me. Now why haven't you given me my record deal?
Note from Moz to record company:
I'm from the north and I do what I like. I don't do 'modern' things with anything that requires electricity or buttons. I have an ipod but it's still in the box. I don't believe in the internet but I have an absolutely crap website but it's not mine you understand. I like to cancel at the last minute if the mood hits me, I also like to insult every single person who has ever interviewed me. I know everything and you should know now that I refuse to be managed. Please do not contact me by phone, e-mail, or visit. My voice should be enough. If you don't like me don't look at me. Now why haven't you given me my record deal?
to be fair he seems willing to just stop and go away. are we saying we want the opposite. yer sir mr record company please tell what to do to sell as its my main goal in life and ill do whatever you say to achieve it
He's not exactly going away with a quiet acceptance. Personally I read his recent statements as more like having a big public strop and threatening to take his musical genius away...and wondering why all the major record labels aren't queuing up to throw money at him. It's pretty desperate be fair he seems willing to just stop and go away.
He's not exactly going away with a quiet acceptance. Personally I read his recent statements as more like having a big public strop and threatening to take his musical genius away...and wondering why all the major record labels aren't queuing up to throw money at him. It's pretty desperate stuff.
I love Morrissey as a fan, but if I had an important job at a major record label, I wouldn't risk my position by investing heavily in someone as flaky as Morrissey. He is a very risky bet for any business, as he's liable to refuse to co-operate with publicity or turn on labels at a moment's notice.
About 5 star hotels, maybe M-solow Staatspolizei greatest wish is:
"People point to Reading Gaol and say, That is where the artistic life leads a man..."
I'm sorry but after several reads of your post I still cannot understand what you are trying to get across !
Note from Moz to record company:
I'm from the north and I do what I like. I don't do 'modern' things with anything that requires electricity or buttons. I have an ipod but it's still in the box. I don't believe in the internet but I have an absolutely crap website but it's not mine you understand. I like to cancel at the last minute if the mood hits me, I also like to insult every single person who has ever interviewed me. I know everything and you should know now that I refuse to be managed. Please do not contact me by phone, e-mail, or visit. My voice should be enough. If you don't like me don't look at me. Now why haven't you given me my record deal?
if it was up to moz we would never know he has ever set foot in a five star hotel. hed have it said that he was hospitalized all the time.
its thru the diligent crank work of benny brummie jb skinny and a few others that the true facts have come to light. now he has no option but to admit his stays in luxury hotels the world over while his fans eat carrot cake.
You are correct. I have always thought he has that attitude of "let them* eat cake"
*the fans
being a moz devotee is tricky. you can go out and scam selling bogus tickets saving up to buy moz a 700 quid shiny shirt. you pack it up inside a beautiful 20 quid deluxe box. you spiffy up and deliver backstage. moz comes out with a huge smile- a free expensive gift!!!!-opens the box and the smile turns to frown. you were crazy enough to buy a size XLXXX husky size ..... 'how dare you i wear medium size' says the mozzer and boz is sent to berate and beat you and ban you forever more from mozzdom
thats when you end in the gutter looking upwards.
moz gazes down from his penthouse suite while his fans live in penury from buying expensive gifts.