TTY: Morrissey Mayor of London?

Morrissey: Mayor of London? -
4 March 2016

Morrissey has been invited to become the London Mayoral candidate for the Animal Welfare Party in the upcoming 2016 election. Morrissey would require 330 signatures of support in order to enter the race, and is considering the contest very seriously.

Morrissey has commented:

"Animal welfare groups cannot persist simply in order to continue to persist. There must be a governmental voice against the hellish and archaic social injustice allotted to animals in the United Kingdom simply because those animals do not speak English, otherwise millions of very caring citizens are greatly concerned about issues that no one is able to do anything about. What animal protectionists need to say is very well worth saying and well worth hearing. But we cannot just sit around waiting for establishment enlightenment. The sanctimonious disaster of animal agriculture cannot be allowed to go on forever, because its widespread impact is hellish. Animals in dairy farms and abattoirs are very eager not to die, yet their bodies are torn apart whilst still alive as they are strapped beneath a blade. No outcome can justify this, and we cannot be happy with a society that allows it to happen, because such a society without compassion goes nowhere. The abattoir is the modern continuation of the Nazi concentration camp, and if you are a part of the milk-drinking population, then you condone systems of torture. There is no such thing as humane slaughter, and if you believe that there is, then why not experience it for yourself? If animal serial killer Jamie Oliver feels so passionate about including 'kid meat' (young goat) into the human diet, would he consider putting forth one of his own kids (children) for general consumption? If not, why not? What makes such people have absolutely no forgiveness towards animals? What hate drives them? The meat industry, after all, shows no compassion towards the planet, towards climate change, towards animals, towards human health. It is diabolically contrived and is the world's number one problem. It is also the number one issue stifled from any political debate, which, if anything, highlights its importance. The slaughterhouse effectively means that none of us are safe. Just investigate the appalling effects of meat production on our climate, environment, fields, forests, lakes, streams, seas, air and space. Your eyes will pop. No bigger global disaster could possibly be devised. Social justice for animals is not much to demand, because we are only asking humans to think rationally and with heart, even if being unable to hunt foxes and shoot birds would leave the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family with nothing else to do."


Above photograph source unknown. Printed here with respect and thanks.

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Re: TTY Statement: Morrissey Mayor of London?

Go f*** yourself, Mozbot. In your cloistered world he can say what the f*** he likes and never be pulled up on any of it. The very fact that someone does and it riles you says more about you than anyone pointing out the foibles.

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Horseshit. Go look up Godwin's law.

You shout everyone else down, and spout this pseudo-intellectual shit. You also ruin this site. Negative, negative, negative. You'll take this as a personal attack ang go on a rant, but... whatever. I'm right.
Isn't SmithsTorrents looking for a moderator? You no longer serve ANY purpose here. You don't like the man the site is devoted to! Just go. There must be a big scientific word for that? Mentallyunwellandtoomuchtimeonyourhands-ism.
I do think Morrissey is genuine about animal welfare. I think it's admirable, but I don't like the tone of his statements. A softer approach would be far more effective. For example, trying to make people feel ashamed of consuming milk when it is so much a part of British culture (and many others) is unhelpful. It would be better to empathise with the consumer and gently persuade them to try alternatives. Morrissey should also recognise animals are not human and vary greatly. If he wants to be taken seriously on animal welfare, I suggest he studies a biology and use sympathetic scientific arguments to defend his corner, otherwise I fear he'll be laughed out of the studios...
Regardless of my own view (so save your flames - yawn).
The Vegan Society estimate there are less than 200,000 'real' Vegans in the UK today (out of 64+ million people) which makes it a minority amongst minorities. Kosher, halal, lactose and wheat intolerance being bigger 'growth' dietary needs than Vegans.
The entire mechanics of most of the world relies on using animals for food or resources and in the next few hundred years - this will NEVER change - meat is murder videos or Mayors of London aside. There is almost no part of daily life you can walk past that doesn't involve animal suffering. Should such a small fraction of society be able to ever influence the majority - then well done, but don't hold your breath.
Realistically yours,
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The entire mechanics of most of the world relies on using animals for food or resources and in the next few hundred years - this will NEVER change

I'm pretty sure it will. Most likely similar sentiments were expressed about the usefulness of slavery in the past, and the impracticalities of ending it, but still the situation improved. Also, general awareness of "good treatment" of animals is much higher than in the recent past, even if there is considerably more effort needed to reduce factory farming.

But things don't change at the same rate in every place.
Cut to: the day after the election. After getting roundly stomped, M issues a TTY statement proclaiming that his loss is due to a royal family conspiracy. Book it.
I'm pretty sure it will. Most likely similar sentiments were expressed about the usefulness of slavery in the past, and the impracticalities of ending it, but still the situation improved. Also, general awareness of "good treatment" of animals is much higher than in the recent past, even if there is considerably more effort needed to reduce factory farming.

But things don't change at the same rate in every place.

Ok, but this analogy wasn’t necessary at all. I mean, vegans need to stop making these dumb comparisons (to the holocaust and to slaves), because it doesn’t help the cause let me tell you. It make vegans look like ignorant and racists
Re: TTY Statement: Morrissey Mayor of London?


Moz has rational views and expresses them. That's what makes him better than other people. What makes you say his views are "extreme"?

And of course he'll get 330 signatures of support! He's internationally BELOVED for heaven's sake.

Do I have to be a resident of London to submit my signature of support? Mozzer's got my vote 100%!

I don't know exactly what a London Mayoral does (other than probably sign bills into law) or if the Animal Welfare Party can be victorious, but I really hope so! GO MOZ GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


London Mayoral candidate for the Animal Welfare Party in the upcoming 2016 election. Morrissey would require 330 signatures of support i

I hope he gets the signatures he needs for the role, IF he wants them. Say what you want about Morrissey, his obvious love and passion for animal rights means the world to him - and rightly so. If he can find a new platform to express these views and take action, I wish him the best.

My only personal concern is that he does have extreme views (on Royals, Nazi comments etc) and I fear controversies like this will overshadow his valid points on animal welfare.

Either way, I respect his attitude to animals and wish him well.
I'm pretty sure it will. Most likely similar sentiments were expressed about the usefulness of slavery in the past, and the impracticalities of ending it, but still the situation improved. Also, general awareness of "good treatment" of animals is much higher than in the recent past, even if there is considerably more effort needed to reduce factory farming.

But things don't change at the same rate in every place.

Slaves and their 'masters' also ate animals.
Your argument might be valid if the rate of vegan growth matched your romantic notions.
The rate of change you allude to - especially in 3rd world countries has almost never differed.
Animal 'good treatment' is something more prevelant on social media outlets.
In the real world - eating meat has existed for thousands of years and the foundations built around it will not vanish in our lifetimes. You can emote until you are black and blue, but Tesco's meat isle will exist for many centuries to come.
I again state: my own view is irrelevant here.
If it hasn't changed in many centuries, don't expect it to do so any time soon.
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Don't lie, tyronepowebottom.


Ok, but this analogy wasn’t necessary at all. I mean, vegans need to stop making these dumb comparisons (to the holocaust and to slaves), because it doesn’t help the cause let me tell you. It make vegans look like ignorant and racists
'Slaves and their 'masters' also ate animals.' ? yes,and your point is?

' eating meat has existed for thousands of years and the foundations built around it will not vanish in our lifetimes.'

true. Unfortunately.

My point was addressed to 'peanut' who equated a historical change in thinking around slavery to being similar to how some may view animal suffering. I merely pointed out the fact that even those 'enlightened' thinkers scoffed meat. Their comment provoked you to say 'thank you' to them - only to later agree with my point ('true. Unfortunately'). Perhaps you should ask yourself if you understand the points fully yourself before questioning others about theirs?
Mild regards,
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I am a vegetarian and volunteer at an animal shelter but anyone who thinks that these holocaust comparisons are in any way OK can f*** off.

Am I a vegetarian? I don't eat meat or any animal products from purely selfish reason. I don't want to put anything unhealthy into my body. I still wear leather products though. Hope I didn't spark a nuclear reaction by making such comment.
I wish Morrissey and his supporters the best of luck in this campaign. He has demonstrated a lifelong concern with animal kingdom welfare and I'm sure his awareness words about this topic saved thousands of animal lives. It's wonderful he has decided to take this kind of commitment, which is an inspiration for others. Political arena is dirty because good people stay away from it. Slowly but surely, it's time to try to change that.

The photo is lovely
i hope he runs so he can address the damon/humasexuality issue. also, what about the cheese issue? the animal/beer unfriendly outings?

he will never run and face the music, so what we have here is moz running at the mouth once again. hot air.
I completely support the idea of animals not suffering.
I simply do not believe that a minority of non-meat eaters and vocal thinkers will undo the foundations of animal suffering around them.
The third world and poorer countries live off animal suffering and using them as resources. The richer parts of the world do similar but dress it up with terms like 'ethical' and 'humane'.
All the while, meat is consumed, animals are tested on, their skins and fats utilised etc etc.
There is almost no aspect of daily life in the west that doesn't rely on some type of animal product and even worse elsewhere.
This will not change regardless of Moz, social media 'outrage' or harrowing videos. Less than 200,000 people out of 64+ million in the UK are totally ineffective at changing entrenched social constructs. Halal food commands more power over social change than vegans do right now...
Should they ever vastly increase numbers, then maybe....
But, for now (like the last couple of thousand years) they will always be a vocal minority - regardless of ethical rights and wrongs.
Arguing that some human suffering mechanisms like slavery/death camps et al changed eventually is wonderful, but that has zero to do with animals who were being slaughtered before, during and after. Their story is old, but....
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I completely support the idea of animals not suffering.
I simply do not believe that a minority of non-meat eaters and vocal thinkers will undo the foundations of animal suffering around them.
The third world and poorer countries live off animal suffering and using them as resources. The richer parts of the world do similar but dress it up with terms like 'ethical' and 'humane'.
All the while, meat is consumed, animals are tested on, their skins and fats utilised etc etc.
There is almost no aspect of daily life in the west that doesn't rely on some type of animal product and even worse elsewhere.
This will not change regardless of Moz, social media 'outrage' or harrowing videos. Less than 200,000 people out of 64+ million in the UK are totally ineffective at changing entrenched social constructs. Halal food commands more power over social change than vegans do right now...
Should they ever vastly increase numbers, then maybe....
But, for now (like the last couple of thousand years) they will always be a vocal minority - regardless of ethical rights and wrongs.
Arguing that some human suffering mechanisms like slavery/death camps et al changed eventually is wonderful, but that has zero to do with animals who were being slaughtered before, during and after. Their story is old, but....

If all people felt like that then nothing would ever change...
If all people felt like that then nothing would ever change...
Oh dear. That's exactly why nothing has really changed with regards to eating and killing animals worldwide for thousands of years - so your point is null as almost all 'feel like that' - the evidence for that being no real change (in fact the opposite as we have streamlined killing animals fast and efficiently in the last few hundred years if anything).
Go walk in a supermarket and walk down the meat isle or practically any isle and tell everyone your strategy to stop the shelves being stocked. Your wonderful anecdotal sentence about change is not supported by the vast majority of the world. Please tell us when and how this huge change will ever occur??
he will never run. he is too cowardly and he knows benny will dog him at each of his poorly attended rallies (probably a dozen mozbots at each stop)with cheese/crankfraud placards. his credebility will be utterly decimated.
i have absolutely no problem whatsoever with the holocaust remarks. personally i do believe in the inviolable sanctity of human life above that of animal life, despite most human life being degenerate scum. to be honest, i value art and culture more than anything animals have ever given me. no animal that came out of a slaughterhouse wrote "mans search for meaning".

but the comparison seems to me to be a fair one. on a purely physical level the slaughterhouses are far, FAR worse than nazi concentration camps ever were. did you know that there were moments of happiness and peace and camaraderie in amongst the daily tortures of concentration camp life? moments when something as simple as a sunset was viewed in all it's startling beauty, as though it was the first time human eyes had ever seen a sunset. the fact is, human beings have an amazing capacity to get used to, and find equanimity in, unhuman conditions. and viktor frankl in his incredible book even points out that after the war when people were viewing the photos of the camp inmates and making piteous comments about how awful it was, that they needn't do so, since it was possible that the inmates at that moment were quite happy. i am sure however that the animals in slaughterhouses never have a moment of peace or happiness or appreciation for nature in the conditions in which they live.

the real tortures of the concentration camp were to do with not the physical, but the mental stresses placed on the inmate: the horror of the selections, not knowing what became of ones family members in the other camps, the strange torture of the unique way time seemed to pass. the question is do animals face these same mental stresses? when they see their fellow animals die before their eyes can they comprehend what is happening and that the same will be done to them? if so, then yes, there is no difference between the slaughterhouse and the concentration camp. and the fact of the inviolable sancity of human life, something that i endorse, becomes a moot point because as morrissey has said "the life of every animal is just as important to that animal as your life is to you." im sure the animals wouldnt make any distinction between their suffering and the suffering of humans, so what right do we have to make that distinction? is not all suffering flesh the same?

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