TTY: Morrissey billboard in Paraguay

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An anonymous person writes:

Excited for the S American tour and is well rested. Jack the Ripper would be nice to hear

Morrissey billboard in Paraguay -
30 October 2015

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This site needs a "I think Morrissey should do this and Morrissey should do that" thread. Once those posts are all in one place Morrissey can sit down and take a good look and then he would know what to do with his life.

God only knows how he has managed so far :)
This site needs a "I think Morrissey should do this and Morrissey should do that" thread. Once those posts are all in one place Morrissey can sit down and take a good look and then he would know what to do with his life.

God only knows how he has managed so far :)

:thumb::thumb::thumb::lbf::lbf::thumb::thumb:EXACTLY !!!

thank you.

Hate to think of M having to sift through all the positive posts to get to the insightful negative ones.
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golf is pretty awesome to play though
Isn't there a quote about it being a good way to ruin a perfectly good day of drinking?
I'm not one for sports. Maybe if Moz played a bowling alley. I do bowl on the occasion.
Seeing a billboard of Morrissey in LA would not cause me to do a double take or even pay attention when fans in LA can see him leaving the Beverly Center with the latest Louis Vuitton shirt or leaving some West Hollywood Italian restaurant on the way home. Who cares anymore in LA? Now in this part of Mexico where the city Paragay is, it wouldn't be that common to see Morrissey, so hence the billboard. Anonymous-
Surprised he's performing at this venue to be honest.
I've just checked out the website and the meat dishes look like something you find in a 5* Pestana luxury hotel.

Can you imagine "I'm sorry Mr and Mrs Tourist but we have no meat dishes on the menu tonight because the artist Silly Steven has made us go meat free" !

BOLLOCKS and CRANKFRAUD Spring to mind.


Isn't there a quote about it being a good way to ruin a perfectly good day of drinking?
I'm not one for sports. Maybe if Moz played a bowling alley. I do bowl on the occasion.

im not one for watching sports at all but im pretty athletic and play many sports golf included. ruining a day of drinking, no sir, they have a cart that brings drinks to you (though i dont drink). love bowling as well
Posting up billboards about yourself is a bit crass and surely unnecessary. We all know Moz is famous in a lot of countries. I don't see it helping him getting a record contract, if that is the purpose. Moz should take this opportunity to go off and collaborate with a few different musicians and song writers, maybe even try a duet. He needs to do something new. He's too faithful to his current set-up. An admirable trait but not at the expense of your career.

A duet? Are you out of your mind? Apocalypse now.
i think i finally have arrived at an understanding why they would play mozz music over there on radio amazon jungle.
they probably mistook moz songs for crocodile calls. lol

for this he turned his back on his native uk. to do tiny gigs in hospital conference rooms inside a golf club in faraway areas not far from the amazon jungle. im sure the bots will see nothing but greatness in these gigs.
a duet with sam smith will do the trick. a big 'dramatic' ballad will do the trick nicely.
they can film the video in a bowling alley.
I think a lot of us would prefer if you were put under...

you know... I just might agree there.

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i think i finally have arrived at an understanding why they would play mozz music over there on radio amazon jungle.
they probably mistook moz songs for crocodile calls. lol

for this he turned his back on his native uk. to do tiny gigs in hospital conference rooms inside a golf club in faraway areas not far from the amazon jungle. im sure the bots will see nothing but greatness in these gigs.

sounds good.:straightface:

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a duet with sam smith will do the trick. a big 'dramatic' ballad will do the trick nicely.
they can film the video in a bowling alley.

sounds good. :straightface:

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