

New Member
Yeah, well, since I live in a very small village with nothing to do I kill the time by doing stuff I really shouldn't do. Some examples:
*Unscrewing important parts of toilets at school
*Drawing on toilets and walls at school, oh, AND floors
*Walking away, and then find out your lost in Belgium
*Pissing off teachers REAL bad.

Yeah, the police knows me because I pissed my teacher off and walked away the next day, he told me that I could go home if I didn't want to say anything. So I did, now I did nothing wrong right?! I was in my room for 5 hours, and my parents couldn't find me. C'mon, how dumb are they?

And the stealing? yeah, my parents don't really learn me the things they should learn me -trust me, I know WHAT they should learn me- so I'm doing stupid things, since begin this year I stole 150 euro from them, and they find out about 100. But now I tell myself Morrissey is a father to me, nah, not in a freaky way, only so I don't do that kind of shit anymore. From now on his quotes will keep me on the right trail ^^

But seriously, any other people who do stupid stuff that causes trouble?
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