'This Is Morrissey' details - liner notes by Fiona Dodwell; vinyl release date Aug. 31, 2018

I just got this email from Crash Records, apparently it’s on Cd too.

Good morning Moz fans,

As you know we like to keep you posted about new releases and there is a new Morrissey compilation coming out on CD and vinyl on Friday 6th July.

It's a brand new compilation curated by the man himself ahead of his summer tour dates. The CD album is £4.99 with a 4 page booklet and liner notes by author Fiona Dodwell.

Those same liner notes are also on the LP (£18.99) only this time in French!

It's available to pre-order now and can be be posted out or collected from our Leeds city centre shop.

All at Crash


Posted by an anonymous person:

The CD has a track less according to Crash, Angel is missing. Obviously that makes a load of sense as normal, but I suppose we should be grateful the CD collectors are being considered at all.

Famous when dead adds the Piccadilly Records description:

Morrissey is never one to do things the accustomed way, instead throughout his career he’s carved a niche in the musical landscape which only he can occupy. And his decision to curate a brand new compilation at very short notice ahead of his tour dates, with new liner notes and a few surprises in the tracklisting, shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone.

So here it is, This Is Morrissey. A collection of studio classics, live tracks and the alternative Mael mix of the ever-popular ‘Suedehead’, all chosen by the man himself. He explains all on this brand new interview for tremr.com, with this neat little summary of the tracks he’s chosen:
“The album is so full of life, and worthy questions, and great choruses, and quite playful.”

Housed in a standard single CD jewel case, with a four page booklet and brand new liner notes by author Fiona Dodwell, there will be two versions of the CD product, a twelve track version for the world outside of North America and a ten track version for North America, final detail of which will be confirmed on a separate note at a later point. The digital version worldwide will reflect the twelve track CD release.

There is also a thirteen track vinyl edition, with the additional track ‘Angel, Angel, Down We Go Together’, complete with identical liner notes only this time written in French, another of Morrissey’s little curio’s.​

...Looks like Piccadilly were correct.
Note: vinyl release date:

This Is Morrissey release dates - Morrissey Central


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"So here it is, This Is Morrissey. A collection of studio classics, live tracks and the alternative Mael mix of the ever-popular ‘Suedehead’, all chosen by the man himself. He explains all on this brand new interview for tremr.com, with this neat little summary of the tracks he’s chosen:
“The album is so full of life, and worthy questions, and great choruses, and quite playful.”"

He considers "Fatty" one of his greats?
"So here it is, This Is Morrissey. A collection of studio classics, live tracks and the alternative Mael mix of the ever-popular ‘Suedehead’, all chosen by the man himself. He explains all on this brand new interview for tremr.com, with this neat little summary of the tracks he’s chosen:
“The album is so full of life, and worthy questions, and great choruses, and quite playful.”"

He considers "Fatty" one of his greats?

Well if you like Low in High School you would.
"So here it is, This Is Morrissey. A collection of studio classics, live tracks and the alternative Mael mix of the ever-popular ‘Suedehead’, all chosen by the man himself. He explains all on this brand new interview for tremr.com, with this neat little summary of the tracks he’s chosen:
“The album is so full of life, and worthy questions, and great choruses, and quite playful.”"

He considers "Fatty" one of his greats?

Plus Harsh Truth Of The Camera Eye? I also fully understand dropping the Angel, Angel... from the CD, because it's much too long a track to fit on a laser disc.
He considers "Fatty" one of his greats?
its a good song, maybe if he had re recorded it for this album as your the one for me fatwa - he may have appeased more people
With these older songs, he should have a more vintage picture of himself on the cover, not a more recent one.
£4.99 isn't bad but I could not be bothered to buy another CD of songs I already have on multiple cds etc. Pity he wouldn't release a concert CD or DVD or something. I noticed how in that recent interview Moz didn't answer the question about concert DVDs and instead listed his previous DVDs.
He considers "Fatty" one of his greats?
its a good song, maybe if he had re recorded it for this album as your the one for me fatwa - he may have appeased more people

It must have taken a couple of Coronas for him to pen this one.

You're the one for me, Fatty
you're the one I really really love
and I will stay
promise you'll say
if I'm in your way

All over Battersea
some hope and some despair
cant wait to hear the songs for the first time
Neither 'Satellite of Love' or 'Suedehead 'Mael Mix' have appeared on CD before (they were both vinyl exclusive releases), so there is at least a small justification to buy this release on compact disc and upgrade the sound quality for those two songs. It would be nice if the live version of 'Fatty' was an exlusive (especially as Morrissey keeps soundboard recordings of every gig he ever plays), though I suspect it will be the same old version we've already had on 'Beethoven'/'World Of Morrissey'.

Other than that, the only possible reason to buy this would be the cover art. The £4.99 price point (hmmmm...maybe I'll wait a couple of months till the price comes down further) and the artwork itself clearly positions this as a homage/satire of similar shoddy rip-off compilations of other classic pop singers, thrown together by uncaring record labels from the 60's. The whole thing seems to be designed to be as pointless as possible - an ironic 'joke' compilation album, which would explain the inclusion of something as stinking as 'Harsh Truth of the Camera Eye'. It's a record to display on your shelf and have an ironic laugh at, rather than actually listen to. I'm not sure the wheeze is worth actually spending money on myself, but each to their own.
I just got this email from Crash Records, apparently it’s on Cd too.

Posted by an anonymous person:

The CD has a track less according to Crash, Angel is missing. Obviously that makes a load of sense as normal, but I suppose we should be grateful the CD collectors are being considered at all.

The Angel is missing all right and is never coming back.
One more compilation? He has lots of them!!! Every certain years a new one comes out. OK he is curating this one, but at the end of the day is not bringing anything new. I like the retro cover though!
Fiona Dowell writing notes for the CD booklet? Since when is Morrissey interested in horror literature? He could find someone more interesting to write it, even friends like James Maker, Linder Sterling or Chrissie Hynde.
Wonder if he’ll mention at gigs
One more compilation? He has lots of them!!! Every certain years a new one comes out. OK he is curating this one, but at the end of the day is not bringing anything new. I like the retro cover though!
Fiona Dowell writing notes for the CD booklet? Since when is Morrissey interested in horror literature? He could find someone more interesting to write it, even friends like James Maker, Linder Sterling or Chrissie Hynde.

Well he wrote a horror themed novel
Wonder if he’ll mention at gigs
Just before the fog machine kicks on for "Ripper".

"Er.... we have a new long player out that 6 of you will buy. And, er. ah. um."
[Fog engulfs stage and entire facility]
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