The opening of Autobiography reads like a poem or lyric (line breaks mine, no words changed)

Bill Zero

Junior Member
My childhood is streets
upon streets upon streets
Streets to define you
And streets to confine you
With no sign of motorway
Freeway or highway
Somewhere beyond hides
The treat of the countryside
For hour-less days
When rain and reins lift
Permitting us to be
Among people who live
Surrounded by space
And are irked by our faces
My childhood is streets
upon streets upon streets
Streets to define you
And streets to confine you
With no sign of motorway
Freeway or highway
Somewhere beyond hides
The treat of the countryside
For hour-less days
When rain and reins lift
Permitting us to be
Among people who live
Surrounded by space
And are irked by our faces

Nicely done.
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