The Metro: Morrissey’s pro Black Lives Matter tweet dragged on social media (June 3, 2020)

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The thing about all these recent posts vis-a-ve the protests, riots in the US and now the makes him look ridiculous, confused and basically a hypocrite. You can't talk about terrorism, the perils of mass immigration and then jump on board the pathetic Black Lives Matter nonsense. He's all over the f***ing place.
lefty rags and lefty cucks hang on moz every word.:)
they are the first at buying moz merch and music at the moz store.?
jump on board the pathetic Black Lives Matter nonsense. He's all over the f***ing place.
Pathetic? I only see one pathetic thing, and that's a white guy with no frame of reference of systematic oppression or abuse in his life calling a historic movement pathetic. If you can't be an ally, can you at least shut the f*** up? Or better yet, go say that at any BLM protest where your voice can be heard instead of in a sidenote of a thread on a Morrissey site.
Pathetic? I only see one pathetic thing, and that's a white guy with no frame of reference of systematic oppression or abuse in his life calling a historic movement pathetic. If you can't be an ally, can you at least shut the f*** up? Or better yet, go say that at any BLM protest where your voice can be heard instead of in a sidenote of a thread on a Morrissey site.

I'm sure the elderly black shop owner who I saw cleaning up the burned out remains of her shop today, feels exactly the same as you do.
They say give a man enough rope and he'll hang himself. Morrissey has been a walking rope factory for years.

“I am born to hang
well it's all healthy news
in a nutshell this means

that I never have to live like you”


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I'm sure the elderly black shop owner who I saw cleaning up the burned out remains of her shop today, feels exactly the same as you do.
Seriously get a life on this site, Sadly a human being no matter what colour, race or religion, and on this site you sad idiots never let go and have to talk pish. f***ING LOOK AT THE WORLD THE STATE IT IS IN AND STOP TALKING BULLSHIT SIMPLE.
Biden gonna win BIGLY in November. Book it.
This post reeks of somebody completely ignorant to American politics. Trump's all but guaranteed 231 electoral votes. Here, I've made a map for you:
All he needs to do is win Florida and literally one more swing state (Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan or Minnesota) and he has enough to win the presidency again. He won the former three in 2016, and something tells me the good folks of Minnesota won't forget what just happened to them.
They did manage to get some press out it. Lord.

Interesting the hack isn't sure who runs Central or the Twitter account.
Biden gonna win BIGLY in November. Book it.

I can't believe there are people who think that the solution to police brutality in cities run by Democratic party machines is to put a Democrat in the White House.

The union contracts that protect the police from accountability in Chicago, Minneapolis, New York City, Philadelphia, Seattle, etc. were all approved and overseen by city councils that are 100% filled by progressives–and have been for as long as anyone can remember. When a city council person’s job doesn’t depend on the voters (because they’ll vote for whomever the Democrats nominate anyway) but on pleasing the public employee unions that determine who gets nominated for what, then they will vote based on what pleases the public employee union rather than what’s in the best interests of the voters. Until those voters become willing to vote for some other party, nothing will change, and the city councils in these cities have been monopolized by Democrats since the 1960s.
If BLACK LIVES MATTER they should all be important. Then , why black men attacked a few days ago to a black transgender woman? They are out there asking for equality and they don't respect their own?

If civil rights movements had to give up because their group contained criminals there would be no civil rights movements.

It's like saying no one can be a feminist because of Rose West.

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