The message of Morrissey's music

Morrissey is the message.

Which on second thought is truly astonishing. Through his individuality he represents general truths.
He blends the general and the particular and sort of transcends paradox in his own person.

That--- well, maybe that's not an answer to your question.
But the messages that ring through all his work are LOVE, HUMANISM and INDIVIDUALITY. That's the air that penetrates his creations, I think.
You are not alone.
I agree with Branwell. When Morrissey evolves the music follows suit. When Morrissey is content (while I am happy for Morrissey's momentary happiness) the music is stagnant, stale almost. He did grow vocally though.
When was Morrissey content? :)


Like most of us whom have been disappointed by life, I expect he had a joyous youth-The trouble starts when one gets to about 12.

in regards to the message in Morrisseys songs there are many depending on the song.
In the Smiths and early solo days, the message was delivered from a sensitive working class heart.
The songs were about joy,frustration, anger,love,humor, disappointment and lots more- in other words life as its lived (if only people would notice).
Like most of us whom have been disappointed by life, I expect he had a joyous youth-The trouble starts when one gets to about 12.

OK, so his music was stagnant and stale before the age of 12 then. Good thing he got that out of the way before he started recording. :D

He most certainly is a genius. One of the very few still inhabiting this planet.
But i know.He is so extremely talented,has an amazing voice,his music can move you to tears and make you happy the same time...So yes he is a GENIUS.

Al lot of things can make one happy and sad at the same time, it's because they are link.
Some times when we are happy we cry, it's because deep down we know the moment is fleeting.
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