I'm curious who this mysterious person is
Hi, I know you aren't talking to me but I think you should be informed. She is talking about Morrissey. She pretends to have a mental illness and other maladies to get attention and many people have fallen for it, tried to help, to only be burned in the end. She claims she met Morrissey in a bar when she was 14. Sbe claims his band infiltrated a sewing class she was in. She most recently claims Morrissey was sitting on a bench on a park waiting to be recognized by her. It's obvious she does have something wrong with her but the schizophrenia seems invented, to me and some others, as a way to post these outrageous stories to get attention. She claims her sister killed her entire family, it goes on and on. She also writes some pretty graphic, disgusting and disturbing things that no one should have to read and a lot of us have complained about it many times and she just doesn't care. She is needy, lonely, has done horrible things in real life and my advice, which you do not have to take is steer clear, you are far too nice for this. She will keep trying to get your attention now that she got it.
Okay, I’ve had enough of the drivel thread. Morrissey, if you want me to write to you, you’ll have to show up and push your email address into my hand. Even if my lung infection gets worse, and I’m dying, I won’t be posting about it here. From now on, it’s just progress of paintings, and that’s only if my lung clears up or I get up the gumption to paint while it’s still struggling. No more spilling my guts here. No more.
Is that meat in the soup above? If so, Morrissey would be saddened if he saw it. It looks like meat.
No, it's meat in the stew above. But yes it is meat, and God's not saddened by it so I guess if morrissey is part of the minority on this earth called vegans he can be sad. I'm saddened about a lot of stuff too. I guess morrissey and I have something in common besides poetry
Hi, I know you aren't talking to me but I think you should be informed. She is talking about Morrissey. She pretends to have a mental illness and other maladies to get attention and many people have fallen for it, tried to help, to only be burned in the end. She claims she met Morrissey in a bar when she was 14. Sbe claims his band infiltrated a sewing class she was in. She most recently claims Morrissey was sitting on a bench on a park waiting to be recognized by her. It's obvious she does have something wrong with her but the schizophrenia seems invented, to me and some others, as a way to post these outrageous stories to get attention. She claims her sister killed her entire family, it goes on and on. She also writes some pretty graphic, disgusting and disturbing things that no one should have to read and a lot of us have complained about it many times and she just doesn't care. She is needy, lonely, has done horrible things in real life and my advice, which you do not have to take is steer clear, you are far too nice for this. She will keep trying to get your attention now that she got it.
Ah, I just joke about my invented schizophrenia, I know I at least don't have any, haha. But it did feel like it at one point. And your advice is my advice which I wish I could have given to my younger self. I used to be on here at 14, left, and came back. But I know what to do now. Now I only talk to Nicky or rifke or whatever she wants to be called.
@nicky wire's legs

So are the drivel thread posts diary entries for everybody, or just for people who are too cheap to buy a journal for such an important purpose?
kids who ride the school bus are the worst! i remember riding the school bus how obnoxious the kids were. i would have loved to have been home schooled!

soup looks good! did you make it??
Every time I get a taste of public school I'm so unnerved for the rest of the day it's crazy. It's like when you're around somebody you like only worse because it makes you feel assaulted. Good thing I never went to public school or I might not be here these days… Sheesh!

And I did make the food. I can give you the recipe if you want, it's one of the best things I've eaten : )
Who else, but Morrissey, but he should avoid me until I’m well clear of my lung infection. It seems to be clearing up. And I don’t know why, but I’ve got a new smell that I don’t particularly like. I don’t know if that’s contagious. I have a neighbour who smells like that, but stronger, and he handled my water bottle. Maybe I caught it from him.
Aw man… here I was hoping for some dramatic story about a real life lover
Morrissey's not a real person you know, right?
Don’t mind me, everyone thinks I’m delusional to believe Morrissey wants to be with me. I’m a loony.
I know you already. Mostly everyone on here is some variation of lunatic.
Oh, & @nicky wire's legs, I've reached over 400 poems : )
I've been writing them since 2021 (threw away loads), and worked up from what I kept after that, and now the number is 409!
I'm doing a poetry challenge, so the number will climb to 426 at least over the month.
I'm not proud of much in myself but that's one thing of which I am : )
And I wanted you to know : )
Every time I get a taste of public school I'm so unnerved for the rest of the day it's crazy. It's like when you're around somebody you like only worse because it makes you feel assaulted. Good thing I never went to public school or I might not be here these days… Sheesh!

And I did make the food. I can give you the recipe if you want, it's one of the best things I've eaten : )
yeah, assaulted, that's a good word. that's how i would feel after school, like all my senses had been assaulted.

oh well, thank you, but i never cook! sometimes i wish i did, because it would be so nice and homey to make a batch of stew (haha, i called it soup too! :lbf: ) on a crisp fall day. maybe one day when i get a place i like living in (if that ever happens).
Oh, & @nicky wire's legs, I've reached over 400 poems : )
I've been writing them since 2021 (threw away loads), and worked up from what I kept after that, and now the number is 409!
I'm doing a poetry challenge, so the number will climb to 426 at least over the month.
I'm not proud of much in myself but that's one thing of which I am : )
And I wanted you to know : )
that's amazing!!! you're such a hard worker! if only i had your work ethic or inspiration i wouldve written my novel a thousand years ago!

do you find that your poems are getting better and that you're thinking in more poetic ways the more you write?

and you have every reason to be proud of yourself, you're a very cool youngster!
yeah, assaulted, that's a good word. that's how i would feel after school, like all my senses had been assaulted.

oh well, thank you, but i never cook! sometimes i wish i did, because it would be so nice and homey to make a batch of stew (haha, i called it soup too! :lbf: ) on a crisp fall day. maybe one day when i get a place i like living in (if that ever happens).
I don't like being yelled at- it unnerves me more than anything

I couldn't imagine not cooking, though! I've been cooking since I was 9, (I'm almost 17), and it's always been one of my favourite things. I don't consider it a hobby, though, because it's necessary for life ya know. Just like writing isn't a hobby because I know I might get somewhere with it. If that makes sense. But you've gotta start making your unlovely place into a lovely place by the way you treat it and the things you do in it. Though that concept is probably unwelcome here on moz solo idk
that's amazing!!! you're such a hard worker! if only i had your work ethic or inspiration i wouldve written my novel a thousand years ago!
Hahaha novels and I gave tried to be friends, but alas… poetry and I connected so much easier. I will try a novel one day though. I have a WIP
do you find that your poems are getting better and that you're thinking in more poetic ways the more you write?
In ways, yes. But it's not that I think more poetically, rather that I find inspiration in more things. But yes, I guess so. But I think some poems just stick out as good because they say what you wanted them to, and well, so no matter when you read it, it always sounds good.
But that sounds like I have a big head…
and you have every reason to be proud of yourself, you're a very cool youngster!
Thanks! You're the coolest person on MS : )

I hope in 2 years I'll be going places haha
A little painting of Shirtless Morrissey for 20 minutes tonight and I'm happy with how it went.
I don't like being yelled at- it unnerves me more than anything

I couldn't imagine not cooking, though! I've been cooking since I was 9, (I'm almost 17), and it's always been one of my favourite things. I don't consider it a hobby, though, because it's necessary for life ya know. Just like writing isn't a hobby because I know I might get somewhere with it. If that makes sense. But you've gotta start making your unlovely place into a lovely place by the way you treat it and the things you do in it. Though that concept is probably unwelcome here on moz solo idk
no, you're completely right. it's just that i live with people, so it's a little uncomfortable. if it was my own space i would make more of an effort to make it nice and homey, but im always just aware that im in somebody else's house so it's a bit weird.

the thing for me is that i just like sandwiches and ice cream so why would i need to cook?! i mean, i'd rather eat a sandwich than a hot meal, and the enjoyment of the meal would be ruined by all the pots and pans you'd have to clean up afterward. it also seems overly complicated. i dont know, it's just not something ive ever felt naturally inclined to do. even when i was little, i had no interest in helping my mom in the kitchen. 🤷‍♀️
Hahaha novels and I gave tried to be friends, but alas… poetry and I connected so much easier. I will try a novel one day though. I have a WIP

In ways, yes. But it's not that I think more poetically, rather that I find inspiration in more things. But yes, I guess so. But I think some poems just stick out as good because they say what you wanted them to, and well, so no matter when you read it, it always sounds good.
But that sounds like I have a big head…

Thanks! You're the coolest person on MS : )

I hope in 2 years I'll be going places haha
well, i think you will!

thanks, i think im pretty cool myself! and so are you! you always remind me of one of those interesting quirky young girls in movies that dont quite fit in to their environment where everything is too small and lame and they can see right through everyone.
A little painting of Shirtless Morrissey for 20 minutes tonight and I'm happy with how it went.
View attachment 95011

This might just be me, but the coloration of his flesh looks different on each segment bounded by the rosary necklace. Most distinctly, the shoulder and chest on the right side of the painting almost look like he’s wearing a beige v-neck shirt, if it weren’t for the nipple and the belly button.
This might just be me, but the coloration of his flesh looks different on each segment bounded by the rosary necklace. Most distinctly, the shoulder and chest on the right side of the painting almost look like he’s wearing a beige v-neck shirt, if it weren’t for the nipple and the belly button.
It's good for housework's style, but it does look like a v neck yes
no, you're completely right. it's just that i live with people, so it's a little uncomfortable. if it was my own space i would make more of an effort to make it nice and homey, but im always just aware that im in somebody else's house so it's a bit weird.

the thing for me is that i just like sandwiches and ice cream so why would i need to cook?! i mean, i'd rather eat a sandwich than a hot meal, and the enjoyment of the meal would be ruined by all the pots and pans you'd have to clean up afterward. it also seems overly complicated. i dont know, it's just not something ive ever felt naturally inclined to do. even when i was little, i had no interest in helping my mom in the kitchen. 🤷‍♀️
I guess that makes sense haha
I love sandwiches too
well, i think you will!

thanks, i think im pretty cool myself! and so are you! you always remind me of one of those interesting quirky young girls in movies that dont quite fit in to their environment where everything is too small and lame and they can see right through everyone.
Ah that's a compliment!
(Any girls in particular?)
It's good for housework's style, but it does look like a v neck yes

I think she has better success painting animals over painting humans, but she’s resolved to paint Morrissey exclusively now, and this one isn’t bad if she can touch up the flesh issue. There’s a look of anguished martyrdom on Morrissey’s face (possibly unintended. But lose the clutched t-shirt, shoot some arrows into his chest, and he’s a St. Sebastian).
I think she has better success painting animals over painting humans, but she’s resolved to paint Morrissey exclusively now, and this one isn’t bad if she can touch up the flesh issue. There’s a look of anguished martyrdom on Morrissey’s face (possibly unintended. But lose the clutched t-shirt, shoot some arrows into his chest, and he’s a St. Sebastian).
I've seen more paintings of objects of hers, I think
But I'm horrible at painting people so I won't criticise hers
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