Morrissey Central "THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN TO NEWCASTLE HMV !" (March 2, 2020)





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Concocter of controversy, to garner
himself headlines.
Plays the victim when the headlines hate him.
Half wit.
Nice, but the new album placeholder image needs a reprint. Those scan lines don’t look the best.
What about all the other shops that don't take this approach? He could highlight those too. But, as always it's all about the image, all about the message, and all about the £££
Newcastle HMV is doing more to sell him than he is.

Has he even been seen apart from in a shop & at a pub after a funeral?
What about all the other shops that don't take this approach? He could highlight those too. But, as always it's all about the image, all about the message, and all about the £££

Why yes, Morrissey should totally copy your approach to life and offer a nuanced, well-balanced representation of differing views. You know, like you do on here, every single day.
What about all the other shops that don't take this approach? He could highlight those too. But, as always it's all about the image, all about the message, and all about the £££

You should move to Cuba then. Ain't nuffin about the pounds.
i would like to be able to read the "blurbs" of the staff picks. anybody? seems they put some effort into this.
Newcastle HMV is doing more to sell him than he is.

Has he even been seen apart from in a shop & at a pub after a funeral?
probably in rehearsals for the new shows,practicing jim jim falls for this week.
Takes a fickle c*** who can praise Newcastle whilst chasing the American dollar and living there.
Hilarious. Here he is trumpeting one record shop that stocks his records. This is desperate stuff. I bet that the display only exists because a member of staff is a fan. Oh, hold on .... what's that I spy .... "staff picks".
Lots of lovely references to Morrissey in Tastes of Honey, The Making of Shelagh Delaney and a cultural revolution by Selina Todd.

She's Professor of Modern History at Oxford &, because we live in a hellscape, she has been 'cancelled' for transphobia for suggesting that biological sex might be a thing that objectively exists.

Moz & Anne Marie should head back to the left - because we're all going to be cancelled eventually. Why suffer the notoriety? Rejoin us as we fret on the margins.

(can't upload a picture for some reason - always says the file is too large)
Not even this 'inspired' act of PR will put bums on seats in Leeds. Over 1000 tickets yet to be sold and resale numbers increasing.

Perhaps his next PR stunt could be ...

'Morrissey. He hasn't said anything racist for a while'. Come see this one-time icon swish on stage in an ankle-length, wool coat while holding a placard that says "Sexually abused sex workers were asking for it".

As everyone "prefers their own race" Morrissey has installed race entrance points at each of his gigs. Whites can enter through the main entrances. All other races will be hosed down, forced through rear doors and made to stand at the stage area to give the illusion that tickets have sold better than they have.

Morrissey. Alt-right poster boy. Join him.

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