Morrissey Central "TAKE ME BACK TO DEAR OL’ BLIGHTY" (March 18, 2023)


Uncredited image by Marianne.
“Look everyone, my performances are always sold out and yet I still can’t get a record label it’s an absolute travesty”

Benny 🇬🇧:knife:
Bit of a sad photo for me as that place on the left was a fab Italian called Villaagio that shut down during the pandemic.
It's not sold out. Both Stalls and Circle tickets still available - the only seats that have sold out are the cheapest Rear Circle standing ones.

Why do Morrissey and his team spread misinformation like this? For clout? When they could be putting off potential buyers who might have gone to the show if they new tickets were still available?
When I went to the o2 gig last year some chap was putting these up, I asked if I could have one but the answer was no. He went on to say Moz was a lovely chap but a bit odd asking for these posters to go up when the gig itself wasn't sold out. This was less than an hour before doors opened. I can't blame him, he's not got anyone else to be his hype man these days...Mark E Smith said something about when you're running out of money you should dress even better, sell the illusion and all that. Similar at play here. Looking forward to the gig tonight, catch you raincoated mother's puny brothers there.
Surely advertising it as sold out when there are still tickets available is a really bad business move??
It's not sold out. Both Stalls and Circle tickets still available - the only seats that have sold out are the cheapest Rear Circle standing ones.

Why do Morrissey and his team spread misinformation like this? For clout? When they could be putting off potential buyers who might have gone to the show if they new tickets were still available?
Ticketmaster and GigsandTours both say no tickets available though. I'd imagine some people will look on there by default rather than buy direct through the venue.
Any show ,any artist. Its never sold out completely,. The scalpers buy the tickets . You guess!
its a sunday night in londinium,any remaining tickets will go,why,because people always need somewhere to go.
take the boxing,theres at least 20 percent women at a big fight,they have no interest in boxing but like to get dressed up and get wrecked and go out afterwards.
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