I Know It's Over...
I'm not gonna pillory you, however I don't agree that these are sad days to be a Morrissey fan.
He's recently released his best album in ages - completed a very successful world tour, so he likes getting naked? So what? It's good to be a Morrissey fan I think...
I appreciate your sentiments. I disagree with your sentiments on "YOR." It was a good pop record, but it certainly came up lacking in the intelligence department. When you set yourself up by writing,
"No it's just more lock jawed pop stars
Thicker than pig shit, Nothing to convey
They're so scared to show intelligence
It might smear their lovely career
This world, I am afraid, Is designed for crashing bores
I am not one, I am not one"
then I believe it is fair to hold Morrissey's lyrics up to a higher standard. Morrissey has had some hit and miss songs on albums in the past but nowhere near the lyrically vapid "YOR." It's cliché after tired cliché. Enough about bailiffs and lawyers. The imagery is borrowed and the songs are trite and heavy handed. I get it: it's a nice pop record. However, if this is now the standard by which Morrissey is to be judged than I'm afraid he's wallowing away in the pig shit with other pop artist, who quite frankly are better at making mind numbing radio friendly music than he is.
As far as him liking to get naked, it is only a recent development corresponding to the promotion of his material. He's already been caught and filed suit against this website when a correspondence he penned to then manager Merck Mercuriadis outlining his use of a manufactured animal rights controversy to help get him gain publicity in the U.K. leaked out publicly, is it therefore such a leap to think his latest foray into nudism is merely a marketing ploy (and a very transparent one at that)?
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