Survival Game- Meat Is Murder

the headmaster ritual- 29 (+)
the one i want is the one i can't have- 41 (-)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 29
he played fast and loose with the title of i want the one i can't have, not once, but twice, and nobody even noticed!
^^that's cause nobody likes that song (relatively speaking when it's trapped in between two of the best songs ever written)

I thought you had an anti-captialist agenda or something. :)

the headmaster ritual- 30 :guitar:
the one i want is the one i can't have- 39 (-) :tantrum:
that joke isn't funny anymore- 30 (+) :flowers:
the headmaster ritual- 30
the one i want is the one i can't have- 40 (+)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 29 (-)
I'm playing with myself again...

the headmaster ritual- 30
the one i want is the one i can't have- 41 (+)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 28 (-)
I'm here to save you from the loneliness...and to correct misuse of points! Have some common sense, people ;)

the headmaster ritual- 30
i want the one i can't have- 40 (-)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 29 (+)

the headmaster ritual- 29
i want the one i can't have- 41 (+)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 29 (-)
the headmaster ritual- 29
i want the one i can't have- 42 (+)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 28 (-)
the headmaster ritual- 28
i want the one i can't have- 43 (+)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 28 (-)
the headmaster ritual- 28
i want the one i can't have- 44 (+)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 27 (-)
the headmaster ritual- 28
i want the one i can't have- 45 (+)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 26 (-)
the headmaster ritual- 28
i want the one i can't have- 46 (+)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 25 (-)
the headmaster ritual- 28
i want the one i can't have- 47 (-)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 24 (+)

How the hell can IWT1ICH have a score of 47 and the tremendous headmaster ritual and TJIFA have successively low scores??? Somebody's cheatin! (not me this time):tears:
the headmaster ritual- 28
i want the one i can't have- 48 (+)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 23 (-)
the headmaster ritual- 29 (+)
i want the one i can't have- 47 (-)
that joke isn't funny anymore- 23
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