"Surely how I feel is not nothing?" by Morrissey - statement at true-to-you.net

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16 April 2013

Surely how I feel is not nothing? - true-to-you.net

by Morrissey, 15 april 2013


I have listened and I have seen a lack of truth that we had dared not believe existed in modern Britain. Margaret Thatcher has left the order of the world, and she is not to blame for the reports of her own death - reports so dangerously biased and full of intolerant menace that we now wonder how we can possibly believe anything that has ever been recorded in British history books...
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Re: Surely how I feel is not nothing? MORRISSEY 16 APR 2016

At least Obama knows she was evil!


Friends and allies of Baroness Thatcher expressed 'surprise and disappointment' last night as it emerged President Obama is not planning to send any serving member of his administration to her funeral.

Though President Obama himself had not been expected to attend, there had been speculation that he would be represented either by Vice President Joe Biden or wife Michelle. However, the Obama administration had said it would not be attending Thatcher's funeral before the Boston bombings
Thanks to whomever fixed this post for me. ;)

The sad thing about despising and hating someone for so long is that when they die, you don't feel relief or closure. It's almost worse because you wanted them to suffer and to be on their deathbed confessing every offense and begging for forgiveness. I remember when they put Tim McVeigh (Oklahoma City Bomber) to death and the families of those who died were left feeling empty and gypped. He never said he was sorry or showed remorse of any kind and he never named his accomplices.
Re: Surely how I feel is not nothing? MORRISSEY 16 APR 2013

Wow! Just when one thinks Morrissey cannot go any lower, he issues this rambling press release where he basically reinforces his hatred toward a now deceased person.

What a jerk! He continues to put his foot in his mouth--over and over again--thinking he is someone respected and looked to for social commentary. Morrissey, your time has passed--you have forgotten about your calling--a singer.
Re: Surely how I feel is not nothing? MORRISSEY 16 APR 2016

At least Obama knows she was evil!


Friends and allies of Baroness Thatcher expressed 'surprise and disappointment' last night as it emerged President Obama is not planning to send any serving member of his administration to her funeral.

Though President Obama himself had not been expected to attend, there had been speculation that he would be represented either by Vice President Joe Biden or wife Michelle. However, the Obama administration had said it would not be attending Thatcher's funeral before the Boston bombings

No....someone forgot to tell our Commander in Chief about proper protocol and doing the right thing by our allies. I guess he was still in his homeland of Kenya when Ms. Thatcher was in office. After his last debacle in the UK, maybe it's best he stay home and help Michelle continue to foul up the school lunch program.

Wow! Just when one thinks Morrissey cannot go any lower, he issues this rambling press release where he basically reinforces his hatred toward a now deceased person.

What a jerk! He continues to put his foot in his mouth--over and over again--thinking he is someone respected and looked to for social commentary. Morrissey, your time has passed--you have forgotten about your calling--a singer.

"The More You Ignore me...The Louder I Get"
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Re: Surely how I feel is not nothing? MORRISSEY 16 APR 2013

A lot of text with no air between written as if Moz has lost it. His fans will read it and never realise that their idol sees what many of his fans cannot see. Media is controlled and they are showing what they want to see and not what is seen. This feeling has lived with quite many of us out there in regards to multiculturalism and the marxist power dictating every debate.

I wonder what the alternative would have been for Maggie and change always throws a majority of people into having to change for things to move on. I still defend the view that Thatcher is someone you would hate in your teens and quite adore in your adulthood when you see things in a more honest way and are not the victim of a culture where you are supposed to hate authorities just for the hell of it.

What Maggie changed and did stopped having an impact on the times we live in many years ago but the lesson we can learn from Thatcher is that a strong woman will not be welcomed even by the faminists despite their desperate call for women to take a bigger place in society and most men are and will remain afraid of strong women.
Re: Surely how I feel is not nothing? MORRISSEY 16 APR 2013

Wow! Just when one thinks Morrissey cannot go any lower, he issues this rambling press release where he basically reinforces his hatred toward a now deceased person.
She died recently and like everybody else people are talking about her, he has to be nice does he because she died? everyone will die one day...
Oh right i get it he and that must go for anybody can only talk ill of someone who is alive!
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Re: Surely how I feel is not nothing? MORRISSEY 16 APR 2013

16 April 2013

Surely how I feel is not nothing?

by Morrissey, 15 april 2013

I have listened and I have seen a lack of truth that we had dared not believe existed in modern Britain. Margaret Thatcher has left the order of the world, and she is not to blame for the reports of her own death - reports so dangerously biased and full of intolerant menace that we now wonder how we can possibly believe anything that has ever been recorded in British history books. The coverage by the British media of Thatcher's death has been exclusively absorbed in Thatcher's canonization to such a censorial degree that we suddenly see the modern British establishment as an uncivilized entity of delusion, giving the cold shoulder to truth, and offering indescribable disgust to anyone unimpressed by Thatc
England where chivalrous respect is afforded to "freedom", and where we are all servile to "democracy." It is, of course, The Big Lie. The fact that there will be such an enormous police presence at Thatcher's funeral is evidence that her name is synonymous with trouble - a trouble she brought on herself. No one wished for it, or brought it to her, yet she created her subtle form of anarchy nonetheless. BBC News will scantily report on anti-Thatcher demonstrations as if those taking part aren't real people. Lordly scorn is shown towards North Korea and Syria, and any distant country ruled by tyrannical means, yet the British government employs similar dictatorship tactics in order to protect their own arrogant interests. There will be no search for true wisdom this week, as the BBC gleefully report how Ding Dong the witch is dead "failed to reach number 1", and they repeat the word "fasong is, in fact, a ban) the BBC are effectively admitting that the witch in question can only possibly be Margaret Thatcher (and not Margaret Hamilton), even though Thatcher isn't mentioned in the song, which is in fact a harmless, children's song written over 70 years ago. Whilst the BBC tut-tut-tutted a polite disapproval at the Russian government for sending a "feminist punk" band to prison for recording an anti-government song, they engage in identical intolerance against Ding dong the witch is dead without a second's hesitation. Thatcher's funeral will be paid for by the public - who have not been asked if they object to paying, yet the public will be barred from attending. In their place, the cast are symbols of withering - as old as their prejudices, adroit at hiding Thatcher's disasters. Ancestry and posterity, trimmed with pageantry, will block out anyone with a gripe. David Cameron will cling to Thatcher as she clung to the Malvinas, each in their last-ditch efforts to survive obscurity. Cameron achieves his own conclusions without any regard for the appalling social record of The Thatcher Destroyer - the protestors outside are simply not being British, or, even worse, are probably from Liverpool. When Cameron talks he is simply speaking his part, but he is adamant that the scorn Thatcher poured onto others should not be returned to her. Her mourning family must have considerations that were never shown to the families of the Hillsborough victims, and although Thatcher willingly played her part in the Hillsborough cover-up, let's not go into all that now. Instead we're asked to show respect for a Prime Minister whose own Cabinet were her rivals. Thatcher's death gives added height to David Cameron (a Prime Minister who wasn't actually voted in by the British people, yet there he is – reminding us all of our manners), and he does not understand how the best reason for doing something is because there's nothing in it for you. The words of Cameron are assumed to have weight, yet his personal gain is the only reason why he speaks those words. Cameron tells us that the British people loved Thatcher, but we are all aware that Sunningdale and Chelsea are his Britain; he does not mean the people of Salford or Stockton-on-Tees, who are, in any case, somewhere north of Lord's Cricket Ground. Can the BBC possibly interview someone with no careerist gain attached to their dribble? No. On the day that nine British citizens are arrested in Trafalgar Square for voicing their objections to the Baroness, the BBC News instead offer their opening platform to Carol Thatcher, a dumped non-star of I'm a celebrity get me out of here, and to Sir Mark Thatcher (Sir!), unseen since the disgrace of his involvement in selling arms to countries at odds with Britain (magically, he avoided a 15-year prison term and was financially bailed out by his mother - her moral conscience nowhere in sight as Sir Mark patriotically took his 64 million and fled to Gibraltar having been refused entry to Switzerland and Monaco. What kind of mother raised such a son?) Both Mark and Carol get the BBC spotlight because they mourn their mother's death, whilst those honest civilians who mourn Thatcher's life are shunted out of view. This is how we see Syrian TV operate, and this is most certainly NOT a week when David Cameron will advise: "hug a hoodie." Whilst the quite astonishing social phenomenon of Ding Dong the witch is dead is ignored by the television news, instead we are shown an eight-minute clip of Psy, a funny little South Korean singer who is making all British newsreaders laugh with his funny little new video. Today, news items from South Korea, Belgium and China get precedence over homeland news of anti-Thatcher protests in Trafalgar Square, and the meaningless banality of Modern Media Britain casts a shameful shadow. Repeated and repeated, words strengthen. The truth sleeps as the heartlessness of Thatcher is re-written as a strength, for it was not exclusively because Thatcher destroyed the miners or murdered the boys of The Belgrano that we feel rage, but it was the lip-smacking relish with which she did both, and with which she sent armies of police to batter anyone who opposed her view. Gaddafi did the same thing in the same way. Thatcher could never show sympathy, or empathy, or understanding to those from whom David Cameron is now demanding a show of civil respect for a woman who, like Myra Hindley, proved to all of us that the female could be just as cruel as the male. By 1990 Thatcher was the gift that not even her own Cabinet wanted, and she was tufted out of office. How could such a catastrophic end warrant a statue in Trafalgar Square? Revenge was the vital juice of every move made by Thatcher, and her results produced the most dis-United Kingdom ever seen in history. Although Thatcher was never flesh, her demeanor took on an incurably demented sadness, and her broadcasting tones registered madness … as Britain burned. From all of this we see, in this April week of 2013, that modern media reporting in Britain is a disturbing fog of taboos and prejudices, reviving the divisions that Thatcher hatched, whilst hiding her horrors. Even in death, Thatcher remains 'the enemy within.'
And the truth sleeps.

Incredible insight! the mans a genius! :)

Wow! Just when one thinks Morrissey cannot go any lower, he issues this rambling press release where he basically reinforces his hatred toward a now deceased person.

What a jerk! He continues to put his foot in his mouth--over and over again--thinking he is someone respected and looked to for social commentary. Morrissey, your time has passed--you have forgotten about your calling--a singer.

Yet again we see poeple mis- representing what morrissey is saying.........

He is in effect echoing my sentiments almost entirely, those which Ive expressed on the other thatcher topics ect, in that he is speaking out againist the Incredible hypocrisy within our goverment, all goverments in fact, and there cover ups of any wrong doing ect!
And that this funeral is costing the tax payer an estimated £10 million pounds! - wasted money!
Of course she should have a funeral but not at this expense, its an absolute insult 2 the tax payer!!!!!!!!!!!
Is there not ONE of them in goverment able 2 brake there "sickness" of lying and tell the bloody truth 4 once !!!!!!!!!! :(

Morrissey has never really been a "singer", that fact is mearly a fantastic coincidental side affect of his main goal, which is write words and music that speack 2 those of us who feel unwanted and outcast from society etc and 2 comfort us in our need ect
And 2 speack out against worldwide corruption and the sickening crimes of cruelty and murder against Innocent creatures!

He who kills, kills his brother and sister
And from him will the Earthly Mother turn away, and will pluck from him her quickening breasts.
And he will be shunned by her angels, and Satan will have his dwelling in his body.
And the flesh of slain beasts in his body will become his own tomb.

He who kills, kills himself, and who ever eats the flesh of slain beasts, eats of the body of death, 4 in his blood every drop of their blood turns 2 poison!
And their death will become his death.

Morrissey - keep on keeping on matey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Re: Surely how I feel is not nothing? MORRISSEY 16 APR 2016

Preach on brother Moz. I'm with you. It's pretty bad here in America too. States are trying to pass Ag-gag laws to prevent animal activists from exposing that horror you played for your audience. Blatently unconstitutional.


Oh and Chelsea Clinton is a meat-eater. Yuck!

At least Obama knows she was evil!


Friends and allies of Baroness Thatcher expressed 'surprise and disappointment' last night as it emerged President Obama is not planning to send any serving member of his administration to her funeral.

Though President Obama himself had not been expected to attend, there had been speculation that he would be represented either by Vice President Joe Biden or wife Michelle. However, the Obama administration had said it would not be attending Thatcher's funeral before the Boston bombings
Re: Surely how I feel is not nothing? MORRISSEY 16 APR 2013

Incredible insight! the mans a genius! :)

Yet again we see poeple mis- representing what morrissey is saying.........

He is in effect echoing my sentiments almost entirely, those which Ive expressed on the other thatcher topics ect, in that he is speaking out againist the Incredible hypocrisy within our goverment, all goverments in fact, and there cover ups of any wrong doing ect!
And that this funeral is costing the tax payer an estimated £10 million pounds! - wasted money!
Of course she should have a funeral but not at this expense, its an absolute insult 2 the tax payer!!!!!!!!!!!
Is there not ONE of them in goverment able 2 brake there "sickness" of lying and tell the bloody truth 4 once !!!!!!!!!! :(

Morrissey has never really been a "singer", that fact is mearly a fantastic coincidental side affect of his main goal, which is write words and music that speack 2 those of us who feel unwanted and outcast from society etc and 2 comfort us in our need ect
And 2 speack out against worldwide corruption and the sickening crimes of cruelty and murder against Innocent creatures!

He who kills, kills his brother and sister
And from him will the Earthly Mother turn away, and will pluck from him her quickening breasts.
And he will be shunned by her angels, and Satan will have his dwelling in his body.
And the flesh of slain beasts in his body will become his own tomb.

He who kills, kills himself, and who ever eats the flesh of slain beasts, eats of the body of death, 4 in his blood every drop of their blood turns 2 poison!
And their death will become his death.

Morrissey - keep on keeping on matey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Are you sure you don't mean ................................
Uh, so, you're not a fan of Thatcher Morrissey? Ha! Get over it Morrissey. Stop living in the past. It only makes you bitter as every new year passes.
I actually don't see anything wrong with what Morrissey wrote. It's amazing how tightly controlled the media is in a supposedly "democratic" to reenforce and magnify the official narrative (which is often times deeply skewed to favor those in power or outright false) and minimize dissenting voices. I am not British, but any American who lived during the run up to the Iraq War or any other number of recent events can surely attest to this. It's not rambling or incoherent to do this, people like Noam Chomsky have been doing so for decades.

I am quite pleased, Morrissey has issued two statements in a row that haven't embarrassed me.
It's not rambling or incoherent to do this, people like Noam Chomsky have been doing so for decades.

I've read a bit of Chomsky. One of the things I like about him is how he divides what he is writing into paragraphs. Smart guy.

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