Stop me if you think you haven't heard this one before. The Bowie snub in Manc


Active Member
Surprised that there hasn't been much discussion over this but I feel it deserves its own thread.

It is beyond the pale and an act of sheer contempt for Bowie that Moz failed to acknowledge him in his list of the lost for the year. Even in death, Moz's hatred for Bowie lingers. Moz is one sad person (we already know that but this takes it to an entirely new level). Had there been no Bowie, there would be no Moz! I thought that, maybe, just maybe, Moz would someday acknowledge and pay respect to Bowie's death. But now, there is no hope left for Moz. Bowie turned the other cheek when Moz would publicly throw punches and insults at him. Bowie never responded ever. Moz's insults and snubs look quite foolish and downright nasty after Bowie's death. And for someone who whines about "Bully's" and being "bullied", Moz sure can dish it out like one. What now, Little Man? Can you ever crawl back up from your little hole?
Well for one it sure has been discussed here a lot. Two, he can honor whom ever he wants and if he's doesn't like Bowie why should he honor his death. He didn't say anything negative and would people really want an insincere commentary from morrissey about him.
Surprised that there hasn't been much discussion over this but I feel it deserves its own thread

It has been discussed to death since the day Bowie died. Why the hell should Moz acknowlege him NOW when he didn't since January. It's not the least bit surprising. I find it rather pathetic that some people apparently still wait for it to happen 7 months on.
Surprised that there hasn't been much discussion over this but I feel it deserves its own thread.

It is beyond the pale and an act of sheer contempt for Bowie that Moz failed to acknowledge him in his list of the lost for the year. Even in death, Moz's hatred for Bowie lingers. Moz is one sad person (we already know that but this takes it to an entirely new level). Had there been no Bowie, there would be no Moz! I thought that, maybe, just maybe, Moz would someday acknowledge and pay respect to Bowie's death. But now, there is no hope left for Moz. Bowie turned the other cheek when Moz would publicly throw punches and insults at him. Bowie never responded ever. Moz's insults and snubs look quite foolish and downright nasty after Bowie's death. And for someone who whines about "Bully's" and being "bullied", Moz sure can dish it out like one. What now, Little Man? Can you ever crawl back up from your little hole?

And if he had mentioned his name, it still wouldn't have satisfied the naysayers who'd cry "too little, too late". I'm glad for Bowie's artistry, and for Morrissey's as well. Best to let the man rest in peace.
Maybe because Bowie ate meat? It seems like everybody else he mentioned were vegetarians (though not so sure about Muhammed Ali) and vegan in the case of Prince.

I agree he'd save himself a lot of trouble if he would have gone ahead and mentioned Bowie like a normal person would have done but then again "trouble loves" him...
Moz said some really nasty things about Prince in years past so why not let Him rest in peace then?

Even so it doesn't give a conclusion as to what he thought of him at the time he died or what he thought of prince overall. Neither does his silence on Bowles death. They're his feelings and i don't think anyone should have to explain why they did or did not honor someone's death with a public mention. If he doesn't like him maybe he has the tact to keep it to himself and not explain why as it would be found disrespectful
Who cares? He fell out with 'David Showie' (as he called him), they didn't get on - so what? Why should he sob in public about someone he didn't care for? He also didn't mention anything about Joe Moss dying, and Joe had a much greater impact on getting his career started with the Smiths than anything Bowie ever did.

Morrissey doesn't owe David Bowie anything.
i was a bit disappointed when i watched the clip. considering that it would have been easy enough to just include davids name with the other four names, such an omission seems not just negligent, but calculated. for what purpose i dont know. what reason can anyone have in refusing to acknowledge the death of one of the most valuable people to ever grace the planet? who, on some level, cant muster up enough respect and admiration for david f***ing bowie to give him even the simplest most detached and unadorned shout out? it's incomprehensible. (but feel free to call me mozzer and we can discuss it at length! *totally not a shameless ploy*)

on the other hand, maybe he's pretending david's still alive. sometimes i do that too.
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As much as I love Bowie this is false

Do you actually know anything? Ignorance of the obvious is NOT something to be proud of. Moz as well as Johnny Marr have acknowledged DB's massive influence on the Smiths. Everybody who's ever worked with DB has acknowledged David's passing in some form or other.....except of course, Moz. Why is that?
Maybe because Bowie ate meat? It seems like everybody else he mentioned were vegetarians (though not so sure about Muhammed Ali) and vegan in the case of Prince.

I agree he'd save himself a lot of trouble if he would have gone ahead and mentioned Bowie like a normal person would have done but then again "trouble loves" him...

Ali was no vegetarian.
Morrissey doesn't owe David Bowie anything.

Only his f***ing career! Are blind as well as deaf! Moz would still be in mom's house, curating his NYDolls record collection, had it not been for David. Would the NYDolls have even existed without Ziggy Stardust?
Who cares? He fell out with 'David Showie' (as he called him), they didn't get on - so what? Why should he sob in public about someone he didn't care for? He also didn't mention anything about Joe Moss dying, and Joe had a much greater impact on getting his career started with the Smiths than anything Bowie ever did.

Morrissey doesn't owe David Bowie anything.

Right on! He doesn't owe anybody anything. DB was not a god. He was just a musician. He didn't find the cure for a cancer or win a Nobel peace prize. Big F*****G deal! If you miss DB, burn a candle or say a prayer. Basta!
Bowie was one of numerous inspirations for a young Morrissey. Morrissey wasn't a Bowie tribute act who owed his entire career to him.

He admired him once, they briefly became friends, their friendship soured. People fall out all the time, it's not a big deal. Get the f*** over it.
Bowie was one of numerous inspirations for a young Morrissey. Morrissey wasn't a Bowie tribute act who owed his entire career to him.

He admired him once, they briefly became friends, their friendship soured. People fall out all the time, it's not a big deal. Get the f*** over it.

If only Bowie was so disposable like yesterday's news.
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