Steve Lillywhite interviewed by John Robb: Morrissey "a wonderful gentle person" (August 13, 2022)

"He's the only artist I ever met who wears his own tee shirts !!! ":)

John Robb recently had a chat with producer Steve Lillywhite, and when it comes to Morrissey, Steve Lillywhite has some very interesting anecdotes in store. And he gives a great analysis of the music and the Smiths as well.

From 1h04mins00s in this video

I got very excited thinking the entire interview was going to be about working with Morrissey. Alas it was only the last little tail end.
Steve Lillywhite seemed to begin to acknowledge how amazing Morrissey’s vocal melodies were over Johnny’s riffs then got sidetracked.
How Morrissey came up with the melody for those songs is mind-blowing. Genius lyrics, genius melodies. Morrissey 77% Jonny 23% of The Smiths appeal.
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If Moz was divinely inspired!! Ha ha, I don't know where the inspiration came from, but certainly the Smiths are Moz and Marr. And Moz is still inspired. If it's true that they're with Alain on something called a new record, I'm sure it'll be better than Bot, if I really like Alain. But Jesse is doing a lot and Moz values him, he seems close to Moz, as if Moz is talking to him about some more personal things, it's something I imagine, I don't know why
Well ain't got time for that, all I know is that Steven P. Morrissey is the only artist I've met who let Walmart sell tshirts that cause cancers one way or another with his face on them.
Although apparently now he makes them himself ( he's a manufacturer, didn't cha know? :rofl:)
He may wear his own tshirts, but did you know he also signs albums by other artists? Quite the manufacturer of all trades...
He's an amazing producer. Good to hear him give The Smiths their due in terms of greatness. Don't know if anyone noticed the recent Sky Arts list of the 50 most influential British artists of the past 50 years, that was published last week. All very woke, although nice to see Ricky Gervais making it in there. No mention of The Smiths or Morrissey, of course. The history of modern culture is being rewritten - and it doesn't include Morrissey.

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He's an amazing producer. Good to hear him give The Smiths their due in terms of greatness. Don't know if anyone noticed the recent Sky Arts list of the 50 most influential British artists of the past 50 years, that was published last week. All very woke, although nice to see Ricky Gervais making it in there. No mention of The Smiths or Morrissey, of course. The history of modern culture is being rewritten - and it doesn't include Morrissey.

But that list doesn't only include musicians and singers. There are also names of actors, writers, comedians, designers and creators. A very dabatable list indeed.

Britain’s top 50 most influential artists from the last 50 years
Agh! I do not like the Beatles. Boring. Same tune. Not for me. Best bands for me. 1 Led.zeppelin. 2. The smiths 3. Metallica
"Shane MacGowan stole a lot, in the same
way Morrissey is a thief."

Here we have Steve L. referrin' to the folk
tradition of buildin' from the past.
It's a heck of a method to Wild T, cause my
favorite ones all do it.
Bob Dylan does plenty of it too!
It gives a layerin' to the listenin' experience.
He's an amazing producer. Good to hear him give The Smiths their due in terms of greatness. Don't know if anyone noticed the recent Sky Arts list of the 50 most influential British artists of the past 50 years, that was published last week. All very woke, although nice to see Ricky Gervais making it in there. No mention of The Smiths or Morrissey, of course. The history of modern culture is being rewritten - and it doesn't include Morrissey.

"woke" 🙄 It's the usual - people who network a lot, people involved in big projects, people who have some current buzz.
"woke" 🙄 It's the usual - people who network a lot, people involved in big projects, people who have some current buzz.

Interesting and deserved is to see Linder’s name on there. I assume they mean Linder Sterling.

The judging criteria explored five key themes/questions:

  • How influential is/was their work in their field?
  • How influential is/was their work in reaching artists in other fields?
  • How influential is/was their work on popular culture?
  • How influential is/was their work on people’s lives?
  • How likely is it that their work will influence future generations?

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"Shane MacGowan stole a lot, in the same
way Morrissey is a thief."

Here we have Steve L. referrin' to the folk
tradition of buildin' from the past.
It's a heck of a method to Wild T, cause my
favorite ones all do it.
Bob Dylan does plenty of it too!
It gives a layerin' to the listenin' experience.

It’s what the artist does with it that’s important.
He's an amazing producer. Good to hear him give The Smiths their due in terms of greatness. Don't know if anyone noticed the recent Sky Arts list of the 50 most influential British artists of the past 50 years, that was published last week. All very woke, although nice to see Ricky Gervais making it in there. No mention of The Smiths or Morrissey, of course. The history of modern culture is being rewritten - and it doesn't include Morrissey.

Number one David Bowie, so predictable.
Biggest shock for me was to see Sade in the list instead of The Smiths. That’s when I stop taking these lists seriously.
Very debatable. The Specials, rather than The Smiths?
Funny, I was in a pub with a friend of mine
He's 65. He was reading out these lists trying to say it proves Stones Roses and Primal Svream are better than Smiths

Also why Damon Albarn
Liam G, Jarvis Cocker, John lydon and that singer from D Mode we're better more important than M

I mean you can bend almost any list or get another list to support these arguments.

The thing that got me was that anyone over 18 could fall for this "best lp " , "most important pop singer "
it's such childish bullshit and means nothing.

it's something mostly boy men simps fall for it.

its made up and fake and mainly a question of fashion and almost purely subjective to a large degree.

the fact there are people out there who think they are "cool" cause they know every song on The Falls demo tape , is hilarious to me

myself I put M number one above Dylan and Lennon and Cohen and Kate Bush and Joni Mitchell and Bowie

To me smiths and M are top of any trees.

I like the Roses, Joy D ,the fall and magazine but none are anywhere near as good as M and smiths

I know others have their own fave's and that is ok

Why are people so pigshit thick they fall for this list stuff ?

Not attacking anyone here. General point
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