Spotted another Better Call Saul Morrissey reference


Charter Member (since 1998)
After spotting "Morrissey Freight" (a fake company) emblazoned on a diesel truck that rolls through a scene of the 9th episode of season five of Better Call Saul, I figured that was it. Interesting but nothing. This weekend though--while doing a recap binge leading up to tonight's series finale--I saw another Morrissey reference. This one appears in the 8th episode of season 1. After Jimmy retrieves a garbage bag of documents shredded at a Sandpiper assisted living facility, Jimmy's brother, Chuck, works through the night re-assembling the documents, and one of the documents they pan to is one with a letterhead reading, "Morrissey Medical Supply." If you're watching the series, enjoy the finale!

Interesting that tonight's series finale created a kind of reunion between major elements of these two particular episodes. :)
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