Spectator: "Why Trump loves The Smiths" (February 9, 2024)

Famous when dead


By Gareth Roberts.

We are all the wronged heroes of our own lives.
Donald Trump and The Smiths make, you would think, very unlikely bedfellows. Recently a mini-kerfuffle broke out over a Smiths song – ‘Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want’ – playing over the tannoy at a Trump rally as part of the warm-up.

Gate removed:

No real revelations - and on that note, I'm off.

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has johnboy actually done anything about,,,consider this shit shut down right now.
I have said before that Morrissey and Trump have more in common than Morrissey thinks.
It’s impossible to think of a reflective Trump. Or even to picture him listening thoughtfully to music, of any kind.

The one thing this reporter missed is a terrific factoid someone posted on here recently: that Trump thinks November Rain is the greatest song and music video ever made.
Funnily enough - both Gemini.
Creative. Great communicators. Prone to using their hands when speaking. Like to joke and give people nicknames. Tendency to say things that might get them into trouble. Flaky and unreliable - often start things and then struggle to finish them.
Sound like anyone?
Funnily enough - both Gemini.
Creative. Great communicators. Prone to using their hands when speaking. Like to joke and give people nicknames. Tendency to say things that might get them into trouble. Flaky and unreliable - often start things and then struggle to finish them.
Sound like anyone?
Both have great hair.
Funnily enough - both Gemini.
Creative. Great communicators. Prone to using their hands when speaking. Like to joke and give people nicknames. Tendency to say things that might get them into trouble. Flaky and unreliable - often start things and then struggle to finish them.
Sound like anyone?
It sounds like me! I am also a Gemini. I guess that's why I love Morrissey and am not bothered at all by Trump.
That is disgusting.

And while Morrissey is lumbered with his right-wing "crew" - I hope they get out of it, or at least start to keep it to themselves - Marr should complain about the MAGA hat being put on his head.

And no - Morrissey is nothing like Trump.

Morrissey writes about being unloved & a loser - Trump thinks he wins all the time & everyone who matters should think he's the greatest.
That is disgusting.

And while Morrissey is lumbered with his right-wing "crew" - I hope they get out of it, or at least start to keep it to themselves - Marr should complain about the MAGA hat being put on his head.

And no - Morrissey is nothing like Trump.

Morrissey writes about being unloved & a loser - Trump thinks he wins all the time & everyone who matters should think he's the greatest.

It is disgusting. And it's ludicrous considering neither Morrissey nor Marr are American. I hope they both complain.
This reads like a hack writer desperately trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. I'd wager $1,000 that Fatty Orange has no idea what a Morrissey is, much less a cult band from the '80s. Fatty was snorting blow off teenage girls' taints in the '80s, you really think he flipped through the NME in '86?

No doubt, there are staffers in Fatty's retched goon squad that program the PA music before the freak show starts. No, this is simply another desperate old white bald man grasping for straws, hoping that somehow there's a connection between a very, very, veeery small fan base that frankly, seems bright enough to ID a tepid reach when they see one.

Gareth Roberts (if this is you in the attached photo), I hope your fat, bald, no-necked carriage falls over soon, if not from a heart attack, then a stroke. The world will be a slightly better place without you. You won't be missed, by anyone.

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This reads like an hack writer desperately trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. I'd wager $1,000 that Fatty Orange has no idea what a Morrissey is, much less a cult band from the '80s. Fatty was snorting blow off teenage girls' taints in the '80s, you really think he flipped through the NME in '86?

No doubt, there are staffers in Fatty's retched goon squad that program the PA music before the freak show starts. No, this is simply another desperate old white bald man grasping for straws, hoping that somehow there's a connection between a very, very, veeery small fan base that frankly, seems bright enough to ID a tepid reach when they see one.

Gareth Roberts (if this is you in the attached photo), I hope your fat, bald, no-necked carriage falls over soon, if not from a heart attack, then a stroke. The world will be a slightly better place without you. You won't be missed, by anyone.

View attachment 101440

It is Gareth.

I like his camp taste in literature - but I caught him calling Morrissey a boring, plagiarist in an old tweet.

He's a fake fan who uses him for content. (Edit: maybe fake is harsh. New. And attracted by his usefulness for political content - that does Morrissey no good & benefits the content creator).

Most of the 'right-wingers' & 'Cancelled' are fake fans.

The Tweet (they were mad at Morrissey for accusing the Queen of white supremacy after Prince died. Another reason for SER to give his head a wobble & stop watching right-wing videos):


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This reads like an hack writer desperately trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. I'd wager $1,000 that Fatty Orange has no idea what a Morrissey is, much less a cult band from the '80s. Fatty was snorting blow off teenage girls' taints in the '80s, you really think he flipped through the NME in '86?

No doubt, there are staffers in Fatty's retched goon squad that program the PA music before the freak show starts. No, this is simply another desperate old white bald man grasping for straws, hoping that somehow there's a connection between a very, very, veeery small fan base that frankly, seems bright enough to ID a tepid reach when they see one.

Gareth Roberts (if this is you in the attached photo), I hope your fat, bald, no-necked carriage falls over soon, if not from a heart attack, then a stroke. The world will be a slightly better place without you. You won't be missed, by anyone.

View attachment 101440
They flip flop.
Same person:

"A lot of the time it boils down to envy, and I’m as guilty of that as anybody else. Morrissey got to do things many millions of us dreamt of — mythologise our adolescence, inspire the adoration of perfect strangers in distant lands, say what we actually think — and it happened almost by accident. He can’t be accused of pandering, trend-chasing or compromising. He has the toxic combination of arrogance and self-pity that has fatally holed so many in a similar position, but he also possesses the humour and talent to leaven it. His lyrics are witty and smart, with an eye for life as it’s lived rather than the upbeat escapism and puppyish approval-seeking of most pop music. He keeps doing the same bloody thing and it keeps working, sailing over the heads and the power of critics. He has a ghastly habit of rising from the grave.

All this had to happen to somebody. But it’s a constant, maddening reminder that it didn’t happen to us."

(After the tweet).
They flip flop.
Same person:

"A lot of the time it boils down to envy, and I’m as guilty of that as anybody else. Morrissey got to do things many millions of us dreamt of — mythologise our adolescence, inspire the adoration of perfect strangers in distant lands, say what we actually think — and it happened almost by accident. He can’t be accused of pandering, trend-chasing or compromising. He has the toxic combination of arrogance and self-pity that has fatally holed so many in a similar position, but he also possesses the humour and talent to leaven it. His lyrics are witty and smart, with an eye for life as it’s lived rather than the upbeat escapism and puppyish approval-seeking of most pop music. He keeps doing the same bloody thing and it keeps working, sailing over the heads and the power of critics. He has a ghastly habit of rising from the grave.

All this had to happen to somebody. But it’s a constant, maddening reminder that it didn’t happen to us."

(After the tweet).

Thanks for peeling back another layer closer to this miserable troll's core.

While reading the excerpt you shared, I thought, "What a sad way to view your favorite artist or actor, or athlete, or writer" or whatever the case may be. I don't know about you (and if I'm the only moron here, mea culpa), but is anyone here actually jealous of Morrissey's career success? I audibly cackled when I read that part -- it's the most cockamamie thing I've ever seen in print and I trugded through List of the Lost! Imagine being so miserable with yourself that you can't enjoy a musician's work without being jealous of all the sweet, sweet backstage pussy and coke they get.

All that said, my diagnosis is that this is a rare mental deficiency with our chubby scribe Graham and no one else. Methinks he's extremely insecure and he knows he's a sub-par hack with crippling imposter syndrome. If he's a journalist, he's a journalist with a sinister agenda and that's no journalist to me.

Unfortunately, a portion of the blame goes to El Hefe who says one thing and does another, which serves as fodder to our corpulent author to gobble up, only to shit out nonsense like this scatterbrain "tRuMp lOveS MoRiSsEy!" article. I don't think El Hefe is a racist racist, but he is a Little Englander -- racist-lite, if you will -- like Archie Bunker. But when he not-so-subtly aligned himself with a white nationalist group labeled "Nazis and racists" because of their flimsy animal rights stance, his days were numbered. A bridge too far, as they say.

But I'm still putting the majority of the blame on Graham who is so jealous of his hero, he writes race bait articles about him in an effort to -- get even?

Imagine being sad, chubby Graham; he's eaten so much, it no longer gives him pleasure -- the novelty has worn off. So he still eats himself to a slow death every day, but now, as a chaser, the only thing that gets his tiny inverted dick semi-hard is to vomit out poorly written propaganda against his imaginary nemesis.

Scores to settle, indeed.
Thanks for peeling back another layer closer to this miserable troll's core.

While reading the excerpt you shared, I thought, "What a sad way to view your favorite artist or actor, or athlete, or writer" or whatever the case may be. I don't know about you (and if I'm the only moron here, mea culpa), but is anyone here actually jealous of Morrissey's career success? I audibly cackled when I read that part -- it's the most cockamamie thing I've ever seen in print and I trugded through List of the Lost! Imagine being so miserable with yourself that you can't enjoy a musician's work without being jealous of all the sweet, sweet backstage pussy and coke they get.

All that said, my diagnosis is that this is a rare mental deficiency with our chubby scribe Graham and no one else. Methinks he's extremely insecure and he knows he's a sub-par hack with crippling imposter syndrome. If he's a journalist, he's a journalist with a sinister agenda and that's no journalist to me.

Unfortunately, a portion of the blame goes to El Hefe who says one thing and does another, which serves as fodder to our corpulent author to gobble up, only to shit out nonsense like this scatterbrain "tRuMp lOveS MoRiSsEy!" article. I don't think El Hefe is a racist racist, but he is a Little Englander -- racist-lite, if you will -- like Archie Bunker. But when he not-so-subtly aligned himself with a white nationalist group labeled "Nazis and racists" because of their flimsy animal rights stance, his days were numbered. A bridge too far, as they say.

But I'm still putting the majority of the blame on Graham who is so jealous of his hero, he writes race bait articles about him in an effort to -- get even?

Imagine being sad, chubby Graham; he's eaten so much, it no longer gives him pleasure -- the novelty has worn off. So he still eats himself to a slow death every day, but now, as a chaser, the only thing that gets his tiny inverted dick semi-hard is to vomit out poorly written propaganda against his imaginary nemesis.

Scores to settle, indeed.

He is not a Little Englander.

That is a myth.
Ooh, an insider! Tell us what you know.

You can read it - illness as art has most of the Smiths/Morrissey articles where you can see the journalists building together a narrative about them being so English - despite them all talking about being Irish & Morrissey getting into trouble for joking about the IRA bombing Thatcher.

Then they turn on him for it.

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