Songwriters for IANADOAC

Jim Jim Falls - Jesse
Love Is On Its Way Out - Gustavo
Bobby, Don't You Think They Know? - Gustavo
I Am Not A Dog On A Chain - Jesse
What Kind Of People Live In these Houses? - Jesse
Knockabout World - Jesse
Darling, I Hug A Pillow - Mando
Once I Saw The River Clean - Jesse
The Truth About Ruth - Gustavo
The Secret Of Music - Mando
My Hurling Days Are Done - Jesse

Also Mike Daly mentioned as a composer on some of the tracks as well as keyboardist Roger Manning but no mention of Boz as a composer this time.
No Boz tracks, interesting. Given the 'competition' with Alain back in the day, I wonder if it bothers him.
Reckon blood fek'en ell bull ox. I can't take it anymore. When will you f***ing foreigners get it? California's Son had nothing to do with this album. These "songs" are just band out takes from the California Son sessions at Sunset Sound with just California's Son phoning in half ass lyrics from his sun deck overlooking the Pacific. He needed a "new release" before going to get foreigner money, because I reckon how many times can he play Moz Angeles and San Diego inn nnn nn nn n nnn nnn nnnnnn nn n it.
Jim Jim Falls - Jesse
Love Is On Its Way Out - Gustavo
Bobby, Don't You Think They Know? - Gustavo
I Am Not A Dog On A Chain - Jesse
What Kind Of People Live In these Houses? - Jesse
Knockabout World - Jesse
Darling, I Hug A Pillow - Mando
Once I Saw The River Clean - Jesse
The Truth About Ruth - Gustavo
The Secret Of Music - Mando
My Hurling Days Are Done - Jesse

Also Mike Daly mentioned as a composer on some of the tracks as well as keyboardist Roger Manning but no mention of Boz as a composer this time.

I thought the album was called IANADOAC?
I once ran into Boz outside the venue during the Ringleader tour and gently mentioned that. He said "I'm still writing them, he's just not picking them."
@Ketamine Sun rating this post "troll" because their fragile ass can't handle the mind-shattering notion that I once spoke to Boz for a minute and a half outside of a theater in 2006.
With Alain long gone and now Boz on his way out as a composer, there will be very little left of the familiar Morrissey sound on this album. I see why Joe C. calls it Morrisey's "most adventurous" album (stylistically). I would have preferred a few Boz compositions on it, but we are getting 6 songs penned by Jesse instead.
With Alain long gone and now Boz on his way out as a composer, there will be very little left of the familiar Morrissey sound on this album. I see why Joe C. calls it Morrisey's "most adventurous" album (stylistically). I would have preferred a few Boz compositions on it, but we are getting 6 songs penned by Jesse instead.

Jesse took a back seat in regards to songwriting on LIHS so it was natural for him to reemerge this time. I'd personally prefer less Gustavo songs, though.
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Is this a Morrissey album or a Menudo album?
Viva saca mi nombre de ahi .......Tu mente tan estrecha...racista, discriminador,una de las peores cualidades de un ser humano,y despues le dicen a Morrissey racista,no te das cuenta que haces lo mismo que te hacen algunos aca osea te discriminan y discriminas pobre de vos se nota tu resentimiento,si queres que te acepten acepta ,si queres que no te dicriminen no discrimines abri tu mente,no seas tan superficial y deja las hormonas !!! Le estan haciendo muy mal a tu pobre cerebro....
Boz probably charges too much in royalties, the others are probably on a reduced songwriting rate. After all it's business and lawnmower parts are replaceable.

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